
joined 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago

Frito lay is actually located in south west Michigan near Indiana, or it’s a bit more west but it didn’t seem that far. I never heard of any flavors like that besides stories of different Mc Donald’s menus in places like India where a large percent of the population is vegan.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 hours ago

Halo ran in regular video game resolution, 480p is just like PlayStation 2 640 by 480, it just keeps the screen a perfect square, 1280 by 960, 2560 by 1920 etc. You can still watch videos in software that’s in 640 by 480 and decrease font size or scale stuff down. It’s why it’s different with graphics but videos or porn/webcams are different to watch and may feel different or be less stretched and fake to the brain.

Aside from that the name halo comes from the ringers universe but the real way halo got its name is from trying to create windows 7 in code or exe applications that get used but creating an operating system that operates in a circle where it could go back and forth to be faster than original windows as columns and rows. And this is why halo was only on Xbox, and it’s like fighting the covenant for the halo ringworld to exist as Microsoft windows or as the computer instead of rows and columns, it was pretty much the same thing they just didn’t realize how small the laser and lens were on it. Maybe everything looked expensive to them and capitalism went on to them. Where it starts as just one person buying it or one being sold for high prices and then it going down, that didn’t really go on because we didn’t live and sleep outside or stand in groups for weeks straight, I assumed everyone had some house or home somewhere, or they were that concerned about economics but it can’t lead to communism or disability in Pfizer medicine. Originally only like certain people had phones and things, they usually organized whatever else went on.

They didn’t make computers but always bootlegged c code software and eventually the operating system is the computer as like a finished world or whatever it becomes on a hard disc or platform with a laser or electron projector where software just couldn’t be installed but they also try and sell the computers that would brainwash people into something else so no one necessarily purchased them straight away at each release or at all or expensive ones. So it was like they were trying to scam and kill everyone or anyone who spoke to them or listened to them because they were diabetic or yeast, so it’s like it’s a scam that goes on but it’s not one too me, but nothing probably goes on with it banking wise or like asset purchasing or marketing. It means nothing professional or western goes on that’s in writing in everything but sometimes it all just set in on us back in the day, and that’s just how being western was. Everything was western outside of food or they were concerned about not having electronics to use anymore.

Halo could have been what windows was called after it was completed, it’s just you wouldn’t necessarily connect an operating system through WiFi being a section so it’s not put as one. Eventually there would be paths going across the circle or even it being in the center or a full blown completed floating island in its center or the entire ring as an island where the central processing unit or brain can travel through it, i knew no one would work on operating systems do that it was created and finished 20 years ago.

I got the idea during windows vista but loved using vista because of how fast it was even without ram or a fast hard disc drive, you can have however fast of a hard drive or ram but the operating system can only go so fast, because the computer doesn’t look from above like an all seeing eye, instead it probably uses something like a table of contents and map, this is why I was skeptical about going off of hard disc drives. The halo spins, but eventually it may not need to because of the lens and lasers writing information.

Basically I was trying to prove that a hard drive itself could be entirely a computer (like a disco ball or ball like lens above the disc and lasers rotating above to write to it like it’s a ringworld. Especially with sensors and the computer connecting to the users brain. Computers are weird and sort of scary, as this is why computer never really ended and we or someone else may stop us from continuing because of the way America was with activities like swimming or fishing and other things, as to why we knew to get computers to a certain level back then, if software wasn’t good enough then it’s parts that had to better and durable or it becomes a repair economy instead of hunting fishing farming and hotels and people gathering and of course doing capitalism and socializing like living on a two week vacation the whole year summer or all the time. It meant only certain kinds of manufacturing would go on, meaning like you make however many would sell or leave one sitting out to be purchased because Microsoft is completely westernized, or the food thing becomes a crisis where you have to like fight to work there or they put you as an accountant using windows software starting with your own intake and then you know work is work, like you’ll get work given to you or end up doing it, even locally or at home. But it didn’t start yet, sometimes everyone just resold some of their own food that they brought back or was shipped to them. But it didn’t matter that much to always sit around or stay in the same area, windows wasn’t neighborhood based in cities. But this is what computers can do if you are always trying to improve them, and not many people used computers back then, still people who made even home movies or music or took pictures used them. It’s just like when your out doing other things you may run into a reason to use a computer but you don’t want to spend hour or days to come up with a cd to play in the background or videos to show. This is how it use to be with operating systems. No one knew directly how to use it to do anything with programs and stuff that a computer offered, and hard drives parts and the operating system itself occasionally crashed or didn’t work, so everything was made durable and software had to be tested and just the original features were cared more about. Sometimes a mad woman or worker did something because they didn’t like it or want it that way, it probably wasn’t money. They probably didn’t like the big vista rush followed by it being the only one left to use on newer computers didn’t excite anyone and Mac and gpu firmware computers and video games existed and computers usually always lead to automobile production. It’d be shocking if there wasn’t neighborhoods everywhere where the air isn’t dry, it’s rabbits that started this or the Koromos as a woman or a yeast with the union. But this meant they liked commercial farming where it ends up large spaces of just grass even by the farming or building. We don’t know what anyone does that worked like this. Tv wasn’t that addicting and it seemed weird compared to the way it all was in person, we didn’t get why they all weren’t employees at a software company or why an actual building wasn’t where the software was made, they sometimes did it all outside like at extra curricular activities or cedar pointe laser point shows. It’s because this actually all started in the place that was the souther tip of the United Kingdom, that island was sort of driven like a boat and that’s where it started, we got into because we had to mine metal to make computers or a few cars/trucks and maybe some gold to have money or food along the way, and it turned into socializing and eventually we knew not to drive at all or the Pittsburgh on foot thing where it was like Africa in America, wouldn’t go on. If we liked socializing then we stayed on foot.

You had to kidnap them and bring them with you on western travel, even walking hundreds of miles back was easily doable or you find a ride. They hated it because it’s like one big group gathering and then everyone hopped in vehicles and started driving and stopping at each others houses or spots or seeing each other in other areas in vehicles like by lakes or points of interest and recognizing cars, we still gave people privacy, they could be selling each other or someone meth or dating someone. Everyone had separate or family.

Or do it was impossible to crash a computer by deleting a required operating system drive, but blocking that feature can stop the os from allowing you to delete or copy other things in the computer. So we needed smaller than laptop actual computers to plug into TVs and use occasionally but we’d need a disc burner or stereos and things that can read chips that are smaller. But still we may not even use whatever thing we create to bring because of that one time we needed it or knew how to make some thing going on better than just conversation. Actual videos and music gets people to travel to places they see and hear. There was a lot of places to visit or possibly even live.

So no one really bothered besides home keepers or dwellers.

Of course whoever wanted to used or smoked weed as westernized Microsoft Windows, that’s what this simulator actually is, running windows xp would just give me full control of Ann Arbor which goes all the way to Ohio/Pennsylvania, but Ann Arbor was western but medical eastern compared to the actual west where salary jobs were unheard of, mostly capitalism went on. Ann Arbor was western orthodox Catholic. We had to do things like carpentry or certain work on the spot at places because of gambling unless you refuse to then the area or place deteriorates and the same old party store outdoors thing still goes on.

We knew if we ran just Linux or Mac we may lose certain things. But we’re still missing out by running just windows but like it can be risky, it’s like only Mac computer simulations took place in person.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 hours ago

Halo 3 odst was a prequel to halo 2 to abolish halo 2 as the second game or to branch halo combat evolved to it because a sequel wasn’t supposed to exist, not many meat eaters played video games or supported them being produced. Halo 2 was a fandom thing made by the elder scrolls, not meaning they made the game they just called themselves the elder scrolls as in they were older than you unless you went through validation and remembered that you were a born again Christian, so they were all pedophiles or whatever, as in they were all in the elder scrolls as in the ones you actually roll out and read wherever it’s based from in northeast Ohio Pennsylvania or New York or probably Buffalo New York. It was Albert and Zayo.

Halo 3 odst actually had the same online as halo 3.

It’s like they had to promote it to people but they missed the original halo 3 emo thing that went on but r and b music followed it because of marijuana or Justin holts decline from John Glenn high school. Rap wasn’t popular either and eventually lil Wayne went back into our brain and the hip hop drug epidemic began where everyone thought we’d all at least have some minimum or above minimum wage job and a brand new car or lease by the time we were 18 or years after. Even the regular guy wasn’t planning on selling drugs, shit I sold pharmaceuticals and clothing when I was in high school I assumed I’d be a millionaire or multi hundred thousands of dollars in cash. Otherwise they crashed something. But you all can’t have like anything money wise or drugs if you don’t wear silk or real plant based polyester clothing or use narcotics constantly to remove them or you are one or you’re a complete conspirator against the record label young money and the bloods, all this business and drug thing was a blood thing till they all showed up and seen it and they all wanted to impersonate it and kidnap everyone all because everyone was obsessed with east, the east was like a jail where its lightbulbs and computers and the everyone not knowing each other and money being spent at places. In the west places may go out of stock. Or there’s not many places. The east can really get at you the west is stuck with whatever stock they got sometimes.

Or else we got caught doing something and this was their version of jail that you have to break out of, this was the point in us only listening to a bank and the DEA, this is why we made holt the DEA in the first place and he leaves us all in here for 6 billion in cash of pharmaceutical pink Vicodin 15 hour half life tablets and benzodiazepines and green oxycodone. Diazepam, alprazolam, clonoazepam, anything they wanted, we’d even legalize crack and ecstasy to get your money, and give you an easy life in America, if it’s not narcotics then you guys want mega huge black or white cocks, big tit play boy bunny girlfriends, so it’s fancy clothing or durable goods or automobiles or equipment, if nothing then they’re spies or soldiers. Or they don’t want to be in your banking system but they want to be in America where they are or they go wherever life takes them.

Halo 3 was very popular in winter 2007 to 2008, but the campaign wasn’t that easy even on easy for regular video game players, halo required massive carb intake or energy levels or they won’t let you advance as hepatitis simulations. It’s like halo didn’t even exist or ever was released and it just gets projected to your brain, like I drank some Kroger brand pop with phenylactones and no sugar and I couldn’t advance or focus much and it was like the game couldn’t be turned on but I just kept trying and it wears off after a certain amount of time. Some parasite was in it or it’s the opposite, it tasted kind of like motor oil but yeah oh well. “It’s gonna take more than motor oil if you wanna kill us, queer!!” But it was set in a different section in the pantry but some of us don’t check closets and places.

If you beat halo 2 on legendary then they switch out all the Pepsi products and candies and chips with glucose galactose and other versions and put some drug in it so you always have high energy levels and some way to generate money, I mean you’ll think of something or stealing will go on where no one knows who did it but everyone gets interviewed and it causes capitalism to go on and automobile companies and a union to form. They all steal certain things from the same place that ford started.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 12 hours ago

It sounds just like Goldman Sachs or von wolfhousen as in the way he speaks, it must be archlinux or it being used for AI and openbts with iPhones instead of Ubuntu, yeah we got a 200 customer call center right here at this computer. It’s like Goldman Sachs only existed because of some movie called “road trip” being filmed in northeast Ohio. Goldman Sachs causes this college and Bavarian thing to go on, especially abc warehouse, and I wanted one of those TVs they were supposedly different or else I’d have to make own for tungsten electron emitter or I’d have to one like a smartphone Oled. You all gotta buy new TVs like that if you’re taking this whole digital addiction thing serious. Anything off the Silk Road may be Sachs or maybe Troy is Sachs or it’s just commercial places that you’d think did fix computers still. You don’t want old backlit laptop monitor screens to be addicted to tv and streaming. A 2 grand iPhone was no big deal or expensive, TVs are 2 grand but it’s not touch screen with games and websites. Get schizophrenic you can write away on these things.

That movie is why college and college sports or exercising like cross country and the NFL exists and even the Olympics. They were running from civilization being built they had to build the entire thing to lock anyone in some credit card financial housing market economy with computer jobs.

No one’s supposed to know and neither is the guy we do this acting thing for but if anyone finds out we just turn a camera on and pretend it’s some movie shoot, all this stuff just went on because I wore this Sean Willian Scott mask and it changed my voice and I liked swearing and doing the stifler thing. The movie was called “John’s day” (it’s where I had to spend the day with him and like I pretended I thought it was his birthday and kept saying the f word, because we heard that John swears all he wants or that rated R movies didn’t matter because they actually to each other in their household) because he always had an American pie dvd sitting out in his room and I was trying to watch it to remove parasites from the mind but they said to film a new one instead so we just wandered around doing bad diligent adult stuff while drunk and high because they wouldn’t let us watch some rated R or unrated movie where some guy blows his pubes into a wedding cake. The guy was Jewish if he had a wedding at all.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago

America is supposed to be like far cry 5 without the violence and like need for speed payback. And like new dawn without the violence in the spring. But also like playing cabela’s big game hunter, certain areas were kind of empty house and road wise. Meaning we raced hatchback cars/suvs on dirt roads, just flipping them wasn’t wanted so there was heavy metal in the bottoms or trunks and roll cages. If you get to Detroit then it’s like need for speed underground 2 and or midnight club mixed with max payne and four brothers.

Otherwise it was just amusement parks, coney islands and zoos or sea world and beaches, with fast food restaurants not called Mc Donald’s but it came to exist and places like Detroit came to exist. Detroit wasn’t that bad it was gangster as fuck though, fur coats, gold diamond jewelry, guns, cocaine, Escalades, of course there was pot, it’s like pot was legal back in the early 2000s and 90s then outlawed in 2007 then decriminalized in 2008 in Michigan, maybe because of dispensaries.

Head shops probably sold weed and other substances back then. Cocaine was and pharmaceuticals were widely used, Detroit or Detroit area was were pharmaceuticals were manufactured. It’s like medical marijuana was to get dispensaries back in Michigan and then they were specifically banned in the medical marijuana bill that was voted on, but pot was decriminalized so we didn’t get the legalization thing. This all just went on with local drug enforcement through the Westland police department. Because they were disease killed by them like wow cable.

It was like a more realistic version of Houston Texas rap music. All those guys did was buy gold and that’s why they had big chains. It was just like the show American Pawn. Detroit was just scary to think about like SUVs pulling up on the side of you with Al 47s and jackin or kidnapping you, like being robbed or killed at any time. This is why communication didn’t always go on at all. There were certain businesses people went to and tv existed or they went through tv commercials or the radio or road billboards, flyers, and people supported them or had a reason of going there instead of starting a business or making their own.

Detroit was entirely a western tavern or town where you would carry a pistol or two. And most of Detroit watched television during Kwame, Kwame was still here before he was mayor. I just go with the flow we all kind of got separated by diseases 20 years ago as self employed or sole proprietor Detroit.

Just cocaine dealers stayed in the winter or no one went many places so cocaine was more noticed or shoot outs over it back in 2003. It’s why it’s good to always give someone a free ounce or kilo to start selling and or using, or a front, fronting is repeat business but becomes like credit card debt without interest and you get used like slaves or as sellers or promoters/workers. But everyone needed some type of base salary to spend like ten or twelve grand a year or 25, people sitting or standing scare other incidents from taking place same with law enforcement. Yes everyone knew and cocaine was like legal or illegal and certain trials or chases went on. Men didn’t really go near each other or near dictators or they were doing business. If it’s not friendship one guys probably a porn producer or pimp. There’s definitely a big after market economy in Detroit, especially with automobiles.

Diamonds were but weren’t valuable, they were a more risky investment but yes they’re desirable and bought as earrings and things or even as bullion. This is why we didn’t constantly synthesize them. Custom jewelry work was just as much as custom anything work and resale value can fluctuate if you can even find a buyer, I didn’t buy chains back or I might melt them down. But molds got saved, no ones supposed to grow broke and some inflation did go on, so only drug dealers and sole proprietors kind of had money in places like Houston. Most sole proprietors were also drug dealers/sellers or buyers.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Halo, call of duty, not all games are. Say this some how about halo

It was called halo combat evolved, because combat evolved into something else, it was to smite call of duty, and take halo from being considered any type of military training. Instead beating halo on legendary means you can be a master computer programmer at Microsoft.

It’s just combat evolved probably made it seem like the second game like halo 2, but halo 2 was already on the market. I started doing the same thing customers do with calling on phones to peoples houses or cell phones or their friends neighbors or family’s houses or asking around for them or about them and the calls or anything they do didn’t go on anymore and eventually nothing was bought and sold, and actual slow calling and talking or having meetings business actually went on, and a service economy started where everything was normal and high quality stuff with the real approved formula was bought sold. And just democracy and or business fascism went on and that’s what call of duty was actually still made for. Everyone is forced to buy it and play it for older ones you just download them unless you’re that lazy. It’s too risky to leave the house we could get kidnapped by someone else or have homeless people convincing us about the economy crashing by what they’re doing or saying or how the area looks. When we all hate money or don’t need it or want to use it or it to go on, they all still need and use money for something and expect the other thing called a service economy to go on, bums didn’t work or sell anything in service economies, they all wanted to be cashiers or already were and stole something or money or got fired. And it’s the opposite when we do. Socialist selling businesses can’t exist, it means the employees were doing some kind of communism and breeding.

Where it says the planet turned into a ring world called halo we should have said universe, or there isn’t other planets and stars but halo wasn’t necessary to be Star Wars and traveling through space. Or who knows what can happen with video games, prequels or some new sequel branch. Halo is intense it becomes like fighting bosses in other video games the whole time where you get use to them so they throw more at you and more intense stuff. I let Justin put as much as he could or would ever put in a game into the game, and it was quite a bit that he’d put in it. What great evil man. A god damn award to Justin holt if you may. A windows award print out and a gift card or some big check like in “Happy Gilmore”. I use to do shit like that in person and that’s why they said different kinds of capitalism goes on or that capitalism still went on. I was on the PGA tour, but I didn’t miss while putting. No one wants to walk that far when golfing no one really eats any food and beer is common.

In halo you have to use alien pistols very good to even beat it or to beat it on legendary, the assault rifle sucked completely. I’d still say this blew ass and not to make any more and now we’d have to take them all away. They make someone beat it on legendary for anyone to get paid from it or anything else they did. No one beat it on legendary because they didn’t want too, playing video games is supposed to be fun and not much of a challenge unless your getting better. People just played video games to relax or blow off steam, or wait out natural disasters, they don’t build full on neighborhoods and cities and put in restaurants for it, it’s possible that if you don’t make video games that you may end up playing the same ones. Or any game that ever existed.

So it was that Trojan horse virus Tony doing this yo me or us. He didn’t want me only getting a salary amount and that’s because that’s all anyone wanted to spend in a year as a regular person, but I still needed my investment into it back. I did this thing where I acted like I was his son saying “oh can’t you just give me an allowance dad, like 5 or 10 bucks a day and 20 or 40 on Friday for the weekend movie theaters and places. And him being bisexual he got into it, it turned me into an almost prostitute for my own money back, all because I didn’t beat halo combat evolved on legendary for the master simulator to see. What a long large video game. It seems short until mission 5. They have you go in to the place then you have to fight your way back out when reinforcements arrive.

Then one day I hit my head on something or became immune to him by a vaccine or using Vicodin, he bought them sometimes to stop me from taking them. 25 thousand dollars stuck somewhere with Tony using it as business loan or student loan money making it seem like student loan money gets paid back because he did, yeah well that wasn’t Tony’s money so he had too or he couldn’t use Microsoft Windows anymore or the old versions. The simulator just wouldn’t allow it. So I convinced him not to and to try out Ubuntu and Linux.

But still we could just start programming after using a computer and having ideas for programs of new ones or improving some or by starting over on an operating system and calling it the same thing when the new one comes out.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Too many blow outs because one team lacks a defense. Guess it depends on what they use to rank a defense. Interceptions, fumbles, sacks, turn overs, safeties or safetys, ha safety’s no one gets a fucking safety, you throw the ball away, some guy has got a concussion if he gets sacked for a safety, he couldn’t tell where he was at, but I guess it’s better than a turn over on downs. But I mean what I’m trying to say is if everyone plays the game perfect then it’s just blocking, tackling, and getting in the way. You can’t guarantee you’re gonna get interceptions or swat passes or get any fumbles, you just tackle when they run or after they catch the ball. Short and steady works in madden, you play as the shittiest team and beat the returning football champions, but it’s no easy win. Like if you’re playing as the 2006 patriots vs the lions (0- 16) lions, or one of those western football teams like the raiders, they had some bad years but, it’s winnable with them against the best on all madden, you gotta be really strong and stay focused, any unopen receiver pass is an interception, but most teams punt the ball on 4th down. We play this professionally or it’s some crazy childish game, you don’t do the hail Mary till ends of half’s if necessary, but even if your gonna lose you may want to narrow the score a bit or get on the board.

Anytime they go to throw the football or shoot the basketball your supposed to throw one of your hands in the hair like you’re gonna block it and it psychs the guy out some, like whoever’s about one on one or double teaming him. I never seen a guy make shot if I put my hand in the hair, no kidding, I never missed one, fade away!!.

So this year’s Super Bowl Chiefs - Lions, or maybe Bills. The bills will throw it if you let them in there. God damn does New York love losing championship games, either that or they gotta win with a perfect score.

Fuckin Bills, you pricks, if I wasn’t involved with Buffalo, we’d spank your Amazonian asses, that’s how you show your guests you give them a blizzard football game.

Yeah Amazon is based in Buffalo chase that bank boo ya. Someone asked what that place was and they took off north west expanding everything before the gates closed again, literally.

So I gotta own the lions, giants, patriots and the bills, and then they find out I’m some old mfl commissioner. Well that’s gonna look like fraud. Well is it fraud or was it simulations. Come on Sean Seidel tell us. You wanted me to buy the Chargers because I liked San Diego but if I’m in San Diego then so is Dale Ross, so it’s different down here when we’re in San Diego, someone has to pay all these people a settlement who moved there.

But the god damn chiefs, they rape everyone, I don’t know if we’d let the lions play chiefs, we got a good thing going here with pizzas and watching NFL football. The chiefs must all have their own tribe they lead. Different parts of the season are different. After thanksgiving everything changes and then Christmas football games.

We use to want two NFL teams in the same area so like you could get into one arena or play for it where you have to win to get into the league, but you may need two more teams or even a whole division. You start bitchin and complaining about stuff and no one says it but like they’d wanna see you try,

It gives the area a certain buzz, or it’s all this traffic going east and west, north and south, football and weed doing this. With baked cookies, icing and candy.

I know it sucks Ren ever since Joe Louis arena flooded it’s been all down hill for us, no one wanted to invest millions of dollars into some area with big muscular teenagers talking about dropping out of school and not playing no prosports. What do you mean Ren your doing more steroids than Arnold Swarzennegger, wait a minute you guys are wrestlers.

We can’t paint the metal and Jerry rig it, we’ll get sued if something happens and you’re supposed to pump oxygen up top there for the people watching and suck all the co2 and methane out the ceiling.

Stadiums become a nest for breeding bacteria and viruses. Joe Louis arena was somewhat solid tungsten. And that’s why no one liked it or wanted it used that currently played or watched hockey. The palace was sanitized or it was too dirty to operate.

I didn’t want 4 stadiums in the same square mile, an opera theater, a boardwalk riverfront, the pistons left auburn hills, man that palace was something else, you get a certain buzz in there. They play basketball and hockey in the same place. We probably should watch basketball and some hoops but it became some getting high thing. We don’t lie about the disease thing as people that’s why we just kept getting high till they stop talking like a bunch of looneys. We smoked crack because you all were saying stuff that usually crack heads would say, so where is the rock that you were smokin man.

Then why didn’t you guys bring it up, that I commit fraud by posting flyers in public and then it not going on, well I thought we were all getting arrested because fighting is illegal and we’re doing this in public, and it’s some kind of dictatorship, we did call that the Detroit police department once before Mexico or whoever this guy is with big bales and last name not Guzman moved in back in 04. With wrestling it was a bit harder to organize local wrestling, with the nfl you just set up a table in a field or on a hill somewhere and you do NFL stuff. That’s how the league was pre 2009. After that it became more like madden till 2014.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Mexican Coca-Cola may still have it. What they needed to do was stamp cocaine out as pills in Mexico so whether it’s 50 or whatever percent purity, it stays that way and dudes selling it have to do the pill game. There was these yellow monkey stamped ecstasy tablets back in 2010. that were just coke. But it was 8 to 10 bucks for 100 mg tablet and they weren’t completely pure. Most people using coke usually did half gram or more a night. People cooking crack dissolve it in water anyways.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The actual Silk Road goes south maybe a little to the east down Wayne Rd. And then south, south west curving all the way to Dakota and to Mongolia or China. It means the businesses aren’t legitimate, like anything can go on in them. Anything political about smoking is organized by the ones producing or selling it or was protested years ago and it stuck in people’s heads. Anything smoking related is like Silk Road. It’s also clothing and printing/copyright infringement related. Same with patents or anything. But weapons are sort of rare, but maybe not at the same time. It use to be more of an outdoor market or like flea market or Gibraltar trade center. This is why pot smoking still went on if it was entirely illegal. But it existed more with it medicinal. It’s also like a night thing. But shit it started in 2003. If no drugs were already being sold then no one smuggled them. Maybe it’s because different drugs were used like pills or different stimulants like MDMA or hallucinogens.

This is a long time ago now. It turned into a tech market, and pre 2014 or whenever chemicals and stuff for skincare or soaps and stuff. Without school and certain government or banking it gets really uncertain, this internet tech game thing is entirely new.

The drug Silk Road one, use to be here but it’s in like southeast Europe coming from India areas. But it does go almost around the whole world but roads do end at some point.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I wrote them but haven’t watched them. The only reason that movie theater thing went on back in the earlier 2000s is because cannabinol was vaporized into the air around houses and in movie theaters and sometimes schools, because no one could focus on what they were watching and no one had any appetite and usually had cancer.

If you can’t focus during a movie tell it in a review and then try an older one, or it’s carb intake that’s required.

Movies also have issues where the sound effects and music are too loud and talking is too quiet so you can’t watch them late at night when you may want too. Or you can’t focus and get blasted in the ear and if both audios aren’t recorded separately then you can’t adjust it with an equalizer or maybe you can.

All those funny comedies like “Pineapple Express” to “why him” were written by Kevin while he was high.

James Bond was ruined there was too much action that was less spy and more call of duty version of spy. But it’s watchable if the audio was more balanced but it may still be a decent action filled watch. He was a bit fat in casino royale lol that’s what a young lighter darker skinned girl said to him at the beach, well because he was more likely to pull his white cock out, if she asked.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Heath Ledger started banking here in the year 2000. Only movie producers have debit cards right and all actors are on a cash only basis and actors are cannibals that rob and eat their prey.

I mean you all weren’t ripping or watching Hollywood movies on the internet right? Because that’s just a cheap way for producers to store things so there isn’t giant dvd and vhs recording machines. Taking up space in print shops. Printing t shirts just went on because that blonde chick in ten things I hate about you did acting as a source of income and because it was an art but she preferred real art but didn’t see selling statues as a source of income or steady income. Sometimes large durable good purchases weren’t supported in capitalism. So it was T shirt printing and that genre of music that took place during those years. They’d all run around stabbing and killing all these other people as like a cult. The world was somewhat French back then.

And simulations are just used for movie production so that actors don’t miss their cues or start eating things and robbing and killing each other on the set.

Heath Ledger is kidnapped not dead, if he didn’t die as his stage name or other self then hepatitis b does this to him, and that’s why there was glucose in Mountain Dew and potassium in everything else as a preservative and no one could really eat natural foods or supposedly natural cheeses and butter. And that’s one thing I hate about you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

It turns out all mobile phone service providers including the major name brands, use openbts in Ubuntu for free, and Ubuntu for free. Or that’s why they donated or no one got money, no wonder Ubuntu was popular and I don’t want to say terrorists but the Silk Road had phone service. Mobile phone service brought nothing good to these areas, and it comes from many sources or sold in stores on SIM cards. Tracfones were fine.

This whole thing goes on through office jobs and fraud through advertising, but Apple or Larry didn’t like or have mobile phone service, and liked WiFi being available everywhere. It was fine not to use voice phone calls it just changed things. Even though it still has voice phone calls. You couldn’t even sell drugs to pay for phone service or they’d extort you in some way. When clearly everyone does something illegal, this all goes back something else.

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