That sort of impatience really doesn't bode well for your parenting skills.
The bible has been promising that for some time now.
Hold it, maybe it doesn't have car centric infrastructure.
I assume there'll be a long long line
We should when it's other capital that wants to steal it.
STOP I can only get so erect
You're going to make me write a cute green-urbania fiction of my self-insert walking around a beautiful city with parks everywhere and using the sub-rails to go far distances and then get on cute retro san francisco style over land trams to make my way to walk-only brick roads and then walk to some book store, the corners piled high with books, with books stacked outside the store under a cloth awning, owned by a wise old man of unclear nationality who spends his days reading the books he sells, who knows me well enough to offer a glass of tea.
Stupid. Why do they even have such a shitty policy? What benefit would it have? Bully people into coming in?
That privacy point is also iffy considering they dont block trackers from Microsoft. Everybody else could just buy off this data from Microsoft instead of directly from Duckduckgo.
Do you think it would help if you had an accountability partner?
Have you shared the way you feel with your husband?
You also mention meds that left you with permanent issues. Would you be comfortable sharing which med it was?
Just ADHD is difficult enough, Adding in complex issues of the mind just feels unfair. I have some experience with intrusive thoughts too, and it stayed with me for a long time. I hope you find some measure of peace from all this.
Me too. I wish I knew the exact permutation of words to say that would help this woman :(
Well technically both lines could advance independently if you lay hitler out on the ground or a table or something.