
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

Indeed, I find that the multiverse stuff is actually dis-engaging me from the story because it doesn't cohesively connect with what feels like Trek to me. Of course, neither does the warp-in-destroy-everything-warp-out either. So, ¯_(ツ)_/¯

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Agreed. Although, as of these past few days, I find myself pondering what I'd like to do to/when spend(ing) more time in-game. I mean, why do I grind for all this stuff and DPS, if I'm not enjoying it when I'm playing it?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

PC Patch Notes for 7/18/24


  • Resolved an issue with the Credence's Starship Trait, Surplus Supply, which was not correctly restricting nearby affected targets to Player Only.
  • Resolved an issue on the Kelvin Timeline Constitution II Intel Cruiser regarding the hull registry textures missing.
  • Resolved an issue with the Mirror Crossfield (Open Shuttlebay) having Starfleet insignia instead of Terran Empire insignia.
  • Resolved an issue with the Kelvin Timeline Vengeance Intel Dreadnought Cruiser's saucer spotlights that caused them to look incorrect when viewed at certain angles.
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

So very true. Such a great episode!

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago

This is beautiful! I love data and I'm delighted you were inspired by my post to gather the data.

Thank you for doing this!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

I'm not sure. Perhaps "Captain and Crew Test" isn't the right way to look at it either. ST:LD seems to do a good job of not focusing too much on one story or character per episode, so it avoids failure even if every character is "the captain".

There would have to be some way of reworking the criteria to evaluate overall balance (as mentioned elsewhere in this thread) rather than just Captain and Crew, I guess.

Regardless, that's a really good question. Hmmmm

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

I like that idea. It measures the depth/breadth of the world-building that way too.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago

I love this! Now you need to do an analysis like this one on Star Trek and the Bechdel-Wallace test!

TOS is already a rough rewatch with some of its acting and portrayals of the future. I can't imagine how tough it would be to rewatch it through that lens. Haha!

I realize you’re not trying to predict quality, just personal enjoyability, but I do wonder how it relates to quality.

I don't mean for this to measure quality. To each their own, as they say. After all, it is just entertainment and I'm free to watch anything else or skip this or that episode. This is all just a fun observation for me, much like a discussion on the finer points of warp theory or Federation economics.

Still, I'm glad it's something that clicked for you too. I figured there would be a number of people whose appreciation of Trek relates to this "test".

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

.... Even then, I believe [TOS] would have a pretty low “pass” rate compared to all the '90s series.

Agreed. I note elsewhere in this thread that I think TOS would struggle with this little "test" and it was THE Star Trek show when it all started.

(Incidentally, since Burnham wasn’t Captain until season 4, Discovery passes on a technicality for most of its run).

Indeed it would pass and I think the captains/crew of those seasons were well portrayed and balanced Burnham's presence as a character as well.

I’ve seen this complaint a lot with some of the newer shows, but it doesn’t really resonate with me. A good central character ought to be able to carry a show, and I don’t hold Trek as being inherently different in that regard.

As you say. And to be clear, I'm not taking this too seriously, nor is it meant to be a complaint. Just a measure I noticed in my own mind. I am still watching all the Star Trek made, whether it "passes" this measure or not.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

A fair point. However, I just think this sums up my preferences for Trek shows well and had a feeling that many would agree.

Meanwhile, other people might have an internal measure for their preferences which amounts to "is not animated", eliminating TAS and ST:LD.

To be clear, for everyone reading: I have watched every episode of every Star Trek show; I greatly and sincerely appreciate and value the time, effort, and energy of the production crew, writers, and actors of every show. These media of entertainment are impactful and deeply meaningful. Every show has a message for its current time and future audiences and it is so important that, as a fan, I hear those messages and allow myself to appreciate this art as an audience member.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

No arguments for or against these yet? I'll nudge this part of the conversation by pointing out that TOS -- THE original Star Trek show -- seems to have a high percentage of episodes which would "fail" this silly "test".

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago

Definitely and many that fail. I wonder if it works as a measure based on percentage of the show as a whole. Then again, it really doesn't matter at all; I only noticed that I get annoyed with certain shows which overuse a single savior for the show's overall story.


May 23rd at 8am PT to May 30th at 12pm PT on PC

  • Red Alerts available to play: Borg, Elachi, Tholian, Tzenkethi (with fail condition, no daily bonus if failed), Nakuhl
  • Daily Bonus Progress: Complete 1 Red Alert per day for 5 days to earn a reward package with:
    • An Ultimate Tech Upgrade
    • A Specialization Point


  • Resolved an issue preventing all three of the T6 Dyson Science Destroyers from being available in the ship vendor.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing the "Reverberant Shield Inversion Projector" console power from benefiting from damage buffs/bonuses.
  • Resolved an issue with the Dyson T6 Console 2-piece Set Bonus that was preventing it from applying its +Proton Damage to all sources of proton damage.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing the "Proton Eruptor Module" console from gaining proper buffs related to Exotic Damage (including its own passive console bonus).

May 9th at 8am PT and ending May 13th at 12pm PT

  • Mudd's Market is having a 75% off sale on everything except bundles.
  • Three new items are being added to Mudd's Market:
    • Four Piece Imperial Assault Ground Set
    • Console – Universal – Crystal Prism
    • Synth Android (A600 series) Combat Pet

May 9th, 8am PT to May 13th, 12pm PT

  • Double Technology Points for applying Tech Upgrades
  • Reduced Dilithium cost to upgrade equipment

May 2nd at 8am PT to May 6th at 12pm PT on PC

  • Discount: All items in the Lobi Store will be 20% off

2024 Event Campaign – Part III:


  • Resolved an issue with the Duderstadt Class’ Starship Trait, “Active EPS Management,” that prevented it from functioning properly.

Known Issues:

  • The “+Proton Damage” on the T6 Dyson Console 2pc Set Bonus is currently not enhancing all sources of proton damage.
  • The proton damage caused by Reverberant Shield Inversion is not currently enhanced by sources of “+Proton Damage”
  • When equipping 3 of the 4pc T5 Dyson Console Set Bonus can cause a issue displaying their tool tips.

May 2nd, 8am PT to May 6th, 12pm PT.

  • Bonus Dilithium Ore is awarded for playing content throughout the game.
  • Bonus percentages:
    • Vlugta Asteroid Field & Fleet Dilithium Mine: 100% Bonus
    • Everywhere else in the game: 50% Bonus
  • Dilithium rewards from Event Reputation Projects are NOT included.
  • Dilithium event does not affect rewards from the Endeavor system.

April 26th at 10am PT to April 28th at 10am PT

  • 30% off Infinity Research and Development Packs and Duty Officer Packs

April 19, 2024 (10am PT) - April 21, 2024 (10am PT)


  • Save 25% on Keys
  • Keyring Bundle: 20 master keys & Ultimate Tech Upgrade


  • Resolved an issue preventing the "Launch Toy Rocket" and "Phoenix Holo-Emitter" from appearing in the Event Reclaim Vendor once you completed the 2023 or 2024 Event.
  • Resolved a visual issue in the First Contact day Re-Enactment TFO preventing the fire on workstations from being visible to captains.


  • Celebrate First Contact Day (until May 2nd) and earn the Photon Burst Rifle.
  • Delta Recruitment Event returns (until May 2nd). Create a new Delta Recruit to earn account-wide rewards.
  • PC Bonus: Get a boost for R&D and bonus XP for Duty Officers (until April 15th).


  • PC Bonus: 20% Bonus Zen (April 11th to 18th).
  • 20% off Zen Packs on all platforms.
  • PC Bonus: 20% off R&D and Duty Officer Packs (until April 15th).
  • 20% off all Lobi Store items (until April 15th).
  • 25% off Services, Uniforms, Personnel, and Starter Packs (until April 15th).
  • Xbox & Playstation: 15% off Keys and Key Ring Bundle available (until April 15th).

April 11th at 8am PT to May 2nd at 12pm PT

  • Create a new Delta Recruit character (2409 Starfleet character, Klingon Defense Force character, or Romulan Republic character)
  • Complete special goals to prepare for the Iconian War
  • Earn rewards and account unlocks
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