That will be $30.12
I just love it when they offer the option!
You just need to ask your Uber driver.
Who the hell even is Madam Chris Genius?
Damn this post. This is really going to f up my weekend plans.
We doing beans again?
Normally I would say his shit stinks just like everyone else's, but I'm willing to bet it literally smells worse than most people's .
This hits way too close to home.
Australian badgers are half this size, have no teeth at all, but can project venom 50ft from a gland in their nostril. The venom is completely harmless to humans, however it soaks into the skin and causes a pheromone to be emitted from the lungs such that when you are asleep, it attracts 14 different species of deadly venomous spiders that are attracted to your airway from up to a 4km radius.
I kinda gave up on rss awhile ago when it seemed like feed availability was dropping and Google dropped support. Disagree with author that the reader doesn't matter. It can really shape your experience. Appreciate good recommendation for something that doesn't cost $2 a month.
How long ago did you quit?