Not sure how anyone could see this Pic and not think of this!
This seems like a pro-reincarnation ad.
Seems like at some point when the immigrants started getting a bit less pale in appearance. I don't think the US has an immigrant problem really. I think it's just plain old fashioned racism dressed up with a fancier word.
He doesn't LOOK like an immigrant... 🤔
Not by a long shot. Perhaps this is at least opening eyes a bit to how horrid the US duoply is. Trump could literally take a dump on an American flag and he'd still get the republican party vote which is nearly half the country, because what are they going to do?? Vote Democrat?! This two party bullshit is engrained to be part of an individual's identity. You don't just up and switch.
The irony of "diet" on th box 😏
Most of the time I'm self aware enough to say, "hey how's it going man!?" every once in awhile, I'll get a weird false confidence and say, "nice to see you again Steve!"
I don't know about that. I guess there may be some sampling bias, but I actually know a handful of farmers that are well educated and or saavy business people. They tend to be surrounded by communities of naked under their overalls bigoted neckbeards geographically, but I'm not sure the majority of actual farmers are as dumb as you imply.
Never fuck with farmers
Worry about that later. There aren't any consequences for this guy anymore, why should he fuss over legality? If shit gets real ugly just buy a president.
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Average American voter