I had heard people talking about this but never knew what it was. Is there a link?
Might be a lot smaller than a lever, but if you are a republican don't stand there empty handed. Grab your dick and start jerking that puppy. This is what you always wanted you dumb sick fuck.
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Perhaps you can explain then. I do not know what left on read means?
It is heavy slang. A non native speaker could have a heck of a time wading through this.
He describes the plight of these people correctly, and while they haven't been offered enough by the dems, they aren't choosing the republicans because they are offering them more. They're choosing them because they fear change and the Republicans promise to protect them from change. The fear comes from ignorance / lack of a decent rural education system.
I've heard that despite the vast majority of objective measures of societoeconomic factors improving under his leadership, many with direct links to policies he put in place, that he's actually the very worst president in the 400 year span of American democracy.
I had a little trouble getting my morning poop out today. I decided to blame Joe Biden. It was either that or the pound and a half of cheese I had yesterday.
They need to come to terms!!
I've been coming to terms and I never see them there!
Ya filthy animal!
Colonial karma