Also known as a good driving day in the Winter in Wyoming.
Well hopefully Susan will bring in some dictator shaped cupcakes at least.
I'm beginning to believe humanity is mostly shit head scammers too.
Best use case for AI I've come across.
For strength there are some decent GID PETG options. Glow for all these is pretty good with regards to intensity but poor for duration. Be ready to replace your brass nozzle a little sooner than you thought. Using a oxbidian nozzle and it seems to take the beating well.
We better at least get off for a national dictator day out of this whole debacle.
Be awkward by having a right hand but no right arm...
I NFT'd in your mom's pussy last night
You can believe that all you want, but this is an even nutter dream than achieving effective gun control in the US (one of my nutty dreams). Why in the world would the government ever give up control of the "money supply"? That's not going to happen.
Stop trying to ruin porn by calling it a birth canal.
I use fireproof safe (good one) and annual backup to that.
The entire cabinet is something from a comic book. These guys are all cartoonishly evil.