Yep. Russia is the reason they're doing this in the first place. Maduro has been meeting with them before this vote. Another destabilization is underway
I bet you’re super fun at parties
I don’t believe those devices existed during the period of time in the Soviet Union known as The Horrors
Love it. I do a thing where I ask who Jesus Saves (but pronounced in Spanish, like ’Hey-zus Sav-ez’) is and why this, I presume, prominent local politician’s name is everywhere.
The poop accelerates
Now label them terrorists
All religions are a cancer
Yea where’s the story
Next rule them as terrorists
He better not wear seatbelts or use oven mitts or wait… why is he even driving, wearing clothes, or living in a house? He should be a caveman
UN is completely worthless nowadays due to vetoes