What is a reddit?
SNOOcalypse - document, discuss, and promote the downfall of Reddit.
SNOOcalypse is closing down. If you wish to talk about Reddit, check out [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
This community welcomes anyone who wants to see Reddit gone. Nuke the Snoo!
When sharing links, please also share an archived version of the target of your link.
- Follow lemmy.ml's global rules and code of conduct.
- Keep it on-topic.
- Don't promote illegal stuff here.
- Don't be stupid, noisy, obnoxious or obtuse (S.N.O.O.)
- Have fun, and enjoy the popcorn! ๐ฟ
A far distant memory of something I once enjoyed...
Centralized commercial version of Lemmy.
Digg, but for nazis.
is something unique
"Please help us track you."
Can you generate a random key that you only serve to reddit and changes voluntarily? That would pretty much just serving them noise, although unique noise.
like with all vpn blocks, I bypassed it by just reconnecting a few times until I got an IP that reddit didn't mark as a vpn yet. just an annoyance.
They were confused when your url didn't contain a slur.
The poop accelerates
We don't go to Ravenholm.
Just got this after reluctantly going to reddit for some info. Got around it by using old reddit