Do you have ACTION in your country? They have dirt-cheap bike lights that do the job
joined 2 years ago
Canon StarWriter!
Seems like one of the backyard astronomers managed to snap a picture of the fast moving object:
sOciAl tRAîTrE!
Son you're fully retired at 37? Good for you mate! Enjoy!
Moi aussi j'annonce que j'ai l'intention de proposer des sanctions à une instance qui décidera ou pas de s'intéresser à ma proposition. En attendant, dix-mille Palestiniens de plus auront été massacrés...
Didn't know shit came in so many shades of shit!
Lucky you, enjoy Myman!
Give me back my 2010 Toyota Sienna!!!
Why the hell would you zap grasshoppers? They are nice and cute and harmless as fuck!
Hère un France they had almost all the sports on the two public channels, everyday for two weeks. Impossible to miss.
Not quite... More like this: