Humans are a blight upon the natural world they inhabit
If you're so insistent on humans living in an environment counter to their own evolutionary instincts in favor of squeezing every drop of sustainability possible out of the maximum number of human lives (literally forcing humans to live in artificially dense population centers), why are you on the internet? You're wasting electricity that was either derived from fossil fuels or generated using renewable technologies reliant on rare minerals obtained through strip mining. Not to mention the plastics and metals that went into making the computer/phone you're using.
Still wearing clothes? Think of the water being wasted on manufacturing that! What about the resources devoted to growing the plant fibers, raising the livestock, or weaving the plastic fibers? The land that was destroyed and all the native life that was culled to create the farmlands? We should all be forcibly relocated to temperate regions and forced to live in dense nudist colonies.
Do you exercise? You know how many calories and how much oxygen you waste by doing that? Human physical exertion should be limited to only the bare minimum required to sustain the minimally healthy body weight. You know how much food we'd save if we banned all sports?
Don't get me started on the arts. Brain power costs calories too! What a waste. All human creative resources should be pooled together to create the most efficient base of entertainment media possible that enables a livable experience. No more unique languages, everyone will be forced to learn Chinese Mandarin or Spanish, so we can eliminate waste on similar media across languages.
Obviously MASSIVE /S
Now I don't want you to misunderstand, I'm very pro-renewables, rather pro-regulation, and even a bit pro-social-engineering. But literally seizing property and assigning concentrated living quarters to people who've owned their homes for generations is some seriously dystopian shit.
Base 10 time makes me irrationally angry though lol