
joined 2 years ago
[–] Grebes -4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I guess both sides are equal then huh

[–] Grebes 1 points 4 months ago

By most definitions (some require national malitia backing) it’s fascism. Why mince words or pretend the current rhetoric isn’t following the exact same route as previous iterations?

[–] Grebes 3 points 4 months ago

Fascism is fascism, not sure what you are on about. A vote for Trump or Jill is just a vote for genocide here with the rhetoric the right is currently spouting. But I guess fuck trans rights, immigrants, the climate, and the economy because your hill to die on is peace in the Middle East. JFC

[–] Grebes 12 points 4 months ago (9 children)

Somehow “not facism” isn’t enough for some people

[–] Grebes 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Only one party has implemented ranked choice while the other has fought against it. That would be a great first start.

[–] Grebes 1 points 5 months ago (6 children)

You seem pretty ill informed or willfully ignorant if you are saying both sides are the same. Politicians listen to the people who vote or donate to them not to the lunatic fringe. The right wing, and especially the Supreme Court have actively worked to destroy women’s rights, increase the influence of dark money, remove restrictions on executive authority, and funnel public money to religious organizations. Don’t let your anger with the pace of progress blind you to the stakes here.

[–] Grebes -4 points 5 months ago

Then this is for them, it’s a vote against your own interests. Statistically it can only hurt.

[–] Grebes -1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Tanked choice was passed in Maine and elsewhere. Many blue states are tying electoral votes to the nationwide popular vote to remove that stupid distribution. Primaries are open. Only one party is trying to make voting more accessible.

As for Palestine, if you don’t subscribe to the lesser of two evils then I guess there isn’t much to talk about but don’t let the Nirvana fallacy blind you too much.

[–] Grebes 19 points 5 months ago (41 children)

In case others need to hear this, please don’t vote third party. Even to start a revolution or whatever. It’s an incredibly privileged position to be able to endanger LGBTQ, immigrants, and women’s rights because you want to send a message. Vote Dem and back ranked choice or you may get the revolution the other way.

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