It’s 70% of the US, would explain a lot
Feels like Japan tried hard to make it as different as possible
When I look at the first guy all I can think of is:
“I didn’t lose, I just failed to win”
Oh man, a CEO thinking this is a bad idea? That’s all the endorsement I need!
Always have been
Came here for this
What’s surprising is that we didn’t have these labels before.
I always got excited when I saw Canadian made fruits or something like that, why not buy local?
Save anywhere
This makes me sad, I thought we mostly agreed that what FDR did is a good way forward.
For a second I thought she said chop chop and cut off her hands.
I honesty don’t care about reposts or sub drama.
What is killing the lemmy experience for me is the constant clutter of US political outrage.
Being mad about things you can’t do anything about isn’t healthy.
Maybe it’s like this in other social media as well, I wouldn’t know much about that but I’m guessing Instagram and tick tock are probably less so given how uninformed their average user usually is.
I just googled it, so take it with a grain of salt