Thought it said mutant-fund. That would be cooler. Hedgehog manager too.
Well, I've never.. Salads belong on white-boards. Everyone knows this.
I get it. It's lit. I used to burn cd's, but they go straight to the source. So deep, such akbar. Respect the religion of love, you guys. Dont burn the holy book, light up every thing else though.
Is this bait? This is bait. It's so baity.
If you dont mind me asking, what was it like? And how long did it last?
The battery uses dark matter, it's effectively an alternative to nuclear fusion, so the use case would be in space stations rather than yout phazer set to stun.
We were easy marks.
Put it in a corner like the hoarder I am.
Well I'm glad the lord is here to point that out for us. Here I thought Brexit was a huge success. Thank you lord. For I have sinned?
I second this, so much. Thank you. Inb4 "and my axe".
No, he's talking about jews.