Windows 11 = O.S. Ima Ad-Laden. Coincidence? I think not..
Tell you what I wouldn't try under any circumstances... If Axe came out with food seasoning.
As to the suspects, at this time we are keeping our opinions unbiased.
It sure doesn't say when that was updated, but for a long period of time the use of drone when discussing unmanned aircraft was reserved for military craft that were usually armed and used to kill people. In the attempt to demonize hobby rc use, the press started calling simple quadcopters (and other propeller configurations if we are being pedantic) drones and not what they were normally called by the people using and making them in the hobby. My point still stands, the press likes to change the wording of things, and will perpetuate their narrative in order to garner views. Manufacturing fear is part of their tactic, and is why I replied what I replied to the question of why the press continues to push the false narrative of these cars being "self driving".
The guy that arrested him initially was on the news last night stating that they didn't know about all of her previous medical history. Excuse me, but isn't that your fucking JOB, to investigate that?
so why do articles keep pushing the false narrative, even after it’s deemed illegal?
The same reason that simple quadcopters have been deemed by the press to be called "drones". You can't manufacture panic and outrage with a innocuous name.
Sure, I guess it all depends what you have laying around. Like if you had a spare monkey that knew how to type. That's why I said it was just "an" idea. The only thing I would add though is if she needed to type this all in from a machine she doesn't have admin rights to, then the extra hardware might be the only way. Again, it was just an option...
So a raspberry pi, or an arduino board will identify itself as a keyboard if you code it right. She could have all the text loaded and ready to go for the textbox and when it gets to that part, push a button that is hardwired and it can 'type' all of the text for her so that the system wouldn't crap it up as it wouldn't be 'pasted' in. Just an idea for a solution for her.
I see your edit, and would like to comment that you also haven't mentioned which rpi you were going to try this on. I recently wanted to set up a quick little pc using a rpi, just so I could browse the web and maybe watch some videos. Tried a rpi2 I had laying around. No way. Moved to a rpi3, and while it would load most pages, youtube was a bust as it completely maxed out the ram and swap. I then went to a rpi4 with 8gb and it has been doable, kind of. Sometimes it's pretty choppy with the video, but basic web browsing is ok. I did try my plex the other day through the browser and it was barely acceptable. Lots of stuttering and sometimes just hangs, but that's not the ideal way to view plex on anything. Haven't tried my rpi5 yet, but my point to all this is that I think you are on the right track setting it up on a spare pc he has. If you had given him a rpi as a 'desktop' replacement it might have just soured him on the whole idea.
Yeah, and I know this will sound odd, but I can't really bring myself to 'upvote' this story. It just seems wrong.
Think those are also called Realms...
Can you be a little more specific with your definition of this and always? I am old enough to remember that when you purchased a physical copy of a game, you got the game in it's entirety in perpetuity. Eg: I still have my Donkey Kong cartridge for my Atari 800. To be a little more current, I have a copy of Kerbal Space Program from the company that I can download the entire copy of the game and install it on my pc. So what do you mean by your comment, as I remember a time when it wasn't the case that you were only purchasing a license? Or do you mean that it's always been the case with these services?
I was just had by rockstar when they cut off certain people who paid to play GTA Online and are now blocked. I will be voting with my wallet and never purchasing another rockstar game in the future, and in case they ever happened to see this, I was considering picking up the rdr games not only on pc, but my xbox and maybe even the switch. It has soured me to the point where this steam issue more of a concern and something I will be keeping an eye on.
Also, one last comment about your last line. We don't need congress to get involved if we as a collective of gamers just gathered together and stopped "licensing" their games. Just like if everyone, instead of complaining about the price of beer and hotdogs at stadiums, would just stop buying them for a while, the people raping our wallets would be forced to bring prices down. But alas, I think the chances of that happening are next to zero.