joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

All Whalers Are Bastards. Idgaf if it's their "way of life" and they've "done it for hundreds of years". N*rdics love murdering whales and claiming heritage

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

Either the worsening wildfire smoke blankets (do these have a name aside from just saying its smoky af?), one of the heat domes from recent years, or one of the bouts of terrible snow storms/deep freezes

[–] [email protected] 39 points 5 months ago (7 children)

The pointless pier that doesn't solve a problem caused by Isntreal doesn't work?


[–] [email protected] 10 points 7 months ago

There are independent/smaller devs that still carry that tradition

Concerned ape gigachad "yes I'm still updating this 8 year old game for free that I sell for $15"

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago

Oh absolutely. I can't imagine how many people were buried under collapsed buildings or just blown to smithereens.

Also a tangent but it made me think of how back in October the CBC was publishing a graph of Palestinian deaths vs Israeli deaths for the first few weeks, then they suddenly stopped including the graph when Palestinian deaths rose to 3 or 4 times the Israeli deaths.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

Ffs of course it's a massive multi hundred dollar set. I was hoping for something a little more affordable, like a $30 to $50 dice tower with a few minifigs + adventuring gear. Or even a small theme with a range of prices

[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago

This is another reason hexes are better than squares

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

I fucking love a good midden, let me dig through that garbage and put together an idea of the lives of those who left it behind

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

Do we know what his reddit username is? Because if he gets harassed enough maybe he'd buy reddit too


I'm back at it with another 30 minutes of uninterrupted rowing! I deliberated over restarting the count vs just picking up where I left off, I decided I'll just continue where I left off since I'm the one doing these posts and I'm mad with power.

Also I did get some hiking in over the weekend and was lucky enough to see some cool birds including a hawk that flew right by me!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I grew up with very limited access to the Internet or even TV and I am so thankful my parents made that decision


Got to it a little late due to classes and schoolwork getting in the way, but I did a solid 30 minutes with only token water breaks! I might have to pull an all nighter to get this paper done so we'll see what tomorrow looks like. Also I'm traveling for a wedding this weekend so I might miss a couple days, I'll have to see what happens, but that's a problem for Saturday

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

I love committing voter fraud. Every election day I do a road trip and see how many times I can vote. My apartment is wallpapered in "I voted" stickers 10 deep. I am responsible for every single Bernie Sanders write-in vote in 2020.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Mainly confused and surprised someone would support a monarch in the 21st century. You don't even have the excuse that the queen has been in charge for your whole life so you feel obligated to support her out of a misplaced sense of loyalty or something. Some ancient failson gets to sit in a golden chair and you can't lick his boots fast enough. It's pathetic, you aren't even worshiping someone who can claim they got to where they are on personal merit, he just had to wait for his mom to die and he almost couldn't even do that! Monarchy is such a farce, I'd be embarrassed to support that shit

Metal Bawkes! (streamable.com)

I think my favourite part of this tract is the background demonstration of how Jack Chick's version of Christianity works with regards to the shithead kid background character. Throughout the story you see him abusing animals (pulling the cats tail, shooting at a bird with a slingshot, kicking at the cat) but as soon as he accepts Jesus as his savior all is instantly forgiven, no matter what you've done in the past. In Jack Chick's flavour of Christianity that's all that matters, good deeds are not required (this same idea is further explored in Flight 144)

~~Big Daddy?~~


~~Charlie's Ants~~

Creator or Liar?

Flight 144

Gold Fever

Heart Trouble

Hi There

Holy Night

How to Get Rich

I See You!

It's All About You!

It's The Law!

Killer Storm

Somebody Angry?

Somebody Loves Me

The Choice

The Long Trip

The Walking Dead

Who Murdered Clarice?

Up next is Creator or Liar?, a pretty dull retelling of creation so I might do a double feature with the more interesting Flight 144, I'll see what I end up doing.


This one is a Friday the 13th ripoff, but it's the devil himself that's running around having a great time killing teenagers, but also the teenagers deserve it because they're satan-worshipping delinquents and not in the church like the good boy. Also, can't forget that Halloween is literally a satanic trap so your soul will be dragged to hell for all eternity. Again, nothing too wacky/bigoted (at least compared to other Chick Tracts), though I'm suspicious of the devil's depiction as an individual with a huge hooked nose trying to mislead proper Christian folk

~~Big Daddy?~~


Charlie's Ants

Creator or Liar?

Flight 144

Gold Fever

Heart Trouble

Hi There

Holy Night

How to Get Rich

I See You!

It's All About You!

It's The Law!

Killer Storm

Somebody Angry?

Somebody Loves Me

The Choice

The Long Trip

The Walking Dead

Who Murdered Clarice?

Up next is Charlie's Ants, where God's relationship to humanity is compared to that of a child and an ant hill


Pretty standard CT fare, set up a straw man professor and have the Chad Christian student destroy them with facts and logic, leaving the professor a shell of a man who has instantly discarded everything he knew in favour of Jack Chick's flavour of fundamentalist Christianity

My collection currently includes the following:

~~Big Daddy?~~


Charlie's Ants

Creator or Liar?

Flight 144

Gold Fever

Heart Trouble

Hi There

Holy Night

How to Get Rich

I See You!

It's All About You!

It's The Law!

Killer Storm

Somebody Angry?

Somebody Loves Me

The Choice

The Long Trip

The Walking Dead

Who Murdered Clarice?

I'll continue with them alphabetically unless there's specific ones people want to see next, I'll probably post one a day depending on how busy I am.

Next up is Boo!, a Halloween themed tract to kick off October!


I'm unsure what's the limit on pictures per post, my other plan is just use imgur but are there any better options? Thanks in advance

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