
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Can you put this in a npm package so I can use it in my project, please?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago

25 wpm 83%

I was using phones with hardware keyboards for way too long and never really learned to type on screen keyboards. Now I just hate them and use desktop communicators whenever I can.

[–] [email protected] 44 points 7 months ago

We're almost there...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

People keep writing like Argentinians really believed Milei is going to fix the country. Most people were simply desperate and voted for him protest. If you still think they are stupid for protesting like this that's fine. Let's just be clear about what they did.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

redistribution of stolen wealth

How are they going to get the stolen wealth back from US and Europe?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

Oh no! Please, don't deprive me of your wisdoms! Tell me more about The Electoral College!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago (2 children)

No, you don't understand that Biden is president and Hilary wasn't. Everything else is just some meaningless BS.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 7 months ago (3 children)

It's a cultural thing. In Poland because of the climate, central heating and probably some other habits everyone has a carpet so you take your shoes off because carpets are hard to clean. In Spain because of the climate you don't have carpets because stone floors help cool the apartment down. Bare stone floors are easy to clean and are cold during winter so you keep your shoes on.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

Depends who's protesting and what's the support for the protests among general population. The problem with most of the protests you see is that the people that do the protesting are the same people that oppose the government. So yeah, no government is going to react to protests done by people that don't vote for it, no matter how big. If the actual people that got the government elected protest or support the protest then they listen. Of course most of the time people know what they are voting and the government is doing exactly what it promised so they will not protest.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 7 months ago (4 children)

And Biden got 7 million more votes. That's his achievement. He not only 'would have won if not for the rigged system' but actually won. You see the difference?

[–] [email protected] -1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I know and what I'm saying is that all those project are moving very slowly while projects like GraphneOS/LineageOS already offer open, privacy oriented phones with good hardware and lot's of apps. This is simply where more effort is going, where we're seeing more progress and our best chance at getting "Linux phones".

[–] [email protected] -1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Yes, Android has issues but what I'm saying is that so far Linux on phones really hasn't been able to compete. No one want's a phone with no camera, no GPS, no apps and terrible battery. Making Linux phones is just super difficult and sadly I don't see it happening anytime soon. Android is a good platform with lots of hardware and apps. You have Fairphone offering long tern support, f-droid offering privacy oriented apps and LineageOS offering stable OS. Getting more phoes to support it is a better bet than getting Linux to properly work on modern phones.


Hi all,

Some time ago I've been thinking about a programming challenge that's not simply another HackerRank style algorithm task and came up with something that I myself had a lot of fun solving. It goes like this:

We have a well known function (as in I didn't come up with it):

 function xoshiro128ss(a, b, c, d) {
                return function() {
                    var t = b << 9, r = b * 5; r = (r << 7 | r >>> 25) * 9;
                    c ^= a; 
                    d ^= b;
                    b ^= c; 
                    a ^= d; 
                    c ^= t;
                    d = d << 11 | d >>> 21;
                    return (r >>> 0) / 4294967296;

We initialize it with 4 random parameters a,b,c,d (that I selected) :

  let rnd = xoshiro128ss(a, b, c, d);

and we do:

  let rand1 = rnd();
  let rand2 = rnd();
  let rand3 = rnd();
  let rand4 = rnd();

Knowing that:

rand1 == 0.38203435111790895
rand2 == 0.5012949781958014
rand3 == 0.5278898433316499
rand4 == 0.5114834443666041

What are the values of a,b,c and d?

I was wandering if it's possible to figure it out and couldn't stop trying until I did. It was an interesting journey and I learned some new things along the way Maybe someone else here will also have fun with it. As for prizes, I don't know... whoever posts the right answer first gets an upvote and eternal fame.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

By now most of you know that I'm by far the most reasonable person on lemmy. I'm basically real life Judiciary Pag. Well, maybe not the Very Relaxed part... But I'm very Learned and extremely Impartial.

So here's the deal: if you need to resolve some conflict, if you need someone to decide who's the asshole or simply can't decide who's right and who's wrong in a silly comment fight - just ask. I will give you my totally unbiased, 100% impartial opinion and you will be able to move on with your life.



What essential skills/knowledge would you say are/is required to work as a Rust dev?

I did couple of small/mediumish personal projects in Rust using axum with sea-orm and later tauri with leptos. That's on top of many years of experience working as a Java/Javascript dev and occasionally touching things like Python or Flutter. Most of things like databases and web stuff is transferable but what strictly Rust concepts are required to work as a Rust dev? In what fields it's used the most?


On Wednesday, members of the European parliament [MEPs] voted to outlaw the use of terms such as “environmentally friendly”, “natural”, “biodegradable”, “climate neutral” or “eco” without evidence, while introducing a total ban on using carbon offsetting schemes to substantiate the claims.



So I have lived in Spain now for almost 10 years and I will be applying for citizenship soon. As part of this process I can pretty much chose my Spanish name. Or I can keep my polish name.

The problem is that my name is very polish, like Grzegorz Filipowski. Every time someone has to write it down and look me up in a database I have to show them my ID. When it happens over the phone I have to spell it. Every time I meet someone they ask me what's my name is and then repeatedly try to pronounce it while I say 'yeah... close enough'. It's pretty annoying and it would be solved by simply changing my name to something Spanish like Gregorio González or something.

What do you think? Would you see it as a practical thing to do or as a stupid intent at impersonating a real Spaniard?


Saudi Arabia is driving a huge global investment plan to create demand for its oil and gas in developing countries, an undercover investigation has revealed. Critics said the plan was designed to get countries “hooked on its harmful products”.

Little was known about the oil demand sustainability programme (ODSP) but the investigation obtained detailed information on plans to drive up the use of fossil fuel-powered cars, buses and planes in Africa and elsewhere, as rich countries increasingly switch to clean energy.


Sometimes I will use something and realize I've owned it forever. It's a nice change in our throwaway reality. I think my personal record is a bicycle multi-tool I got for one of my first bikes, ~25 years ago. Still have it, still use it. When it comes to electronic devices I have a Panasonic mini Hi-Fi from ~2005. Never felt like changing it.

What's your record?

Cheese (linux.community)



I just finished watching 'Bodies' and we have to agree on one thing:

Timecrimes is the only proper time travel movie ever made.

Spoilers below...

Every other movie either tries to take time travel seriously (Primer, Minority report, Travelers) and fails by creating paradoxes or takes it lightly (Back to the future, Hot tub time machine, Groundhog day) and is not a real SciFi movie. Timecrimes is the only perfect loop and hence the only movie that avoid paradoxes. And what a loop at that. The reveal is just perfectly timed giving away each detail step by step. You basically figure it out together with the protagonist and watch him change his decisions as he realizes what's going on. The loop is the entire point of the movie and that's the only proper way to do it.

Bodies was close but of course they had to add a happy ending there and break the loop in the last episode which was pretty weak.

Timecrimes forever.

That's all I had to say. Thank you.


Sorry Python but it is what it is.


I'm trying to find something and it's not easy. I'm using claws now and I doesn't seem to have dark mode.

Evolution should have it but my theme is set to 'Adwaita-dark' and evolution ignores it?

Thunderbird pissed me off by removing the tray icon...

I tried aerc but it didn't connect to my mail server for some reason.

Any other decent client that does support dark mode?

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