[-] [email protected] 74 points 1 month ago

I think a lot of people are surprised by this, but I think it's mostly 9-0 because it wasn't really settled on any merits -- these people just did not have standing to sue.

I'm pretty sure this came out of the 5th Circuit and I'd expect to see more rulings like this smacking the 5th Circuit down because it specifically has gone off the rails and started making insane rulings unsupported by any law or precedent.

While SCOTUS has made some questionable rulings in the last several years, they're still going to punt in obvious situations where they can.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 1 month ago

Worth noting that was also Sinclair. Over the years I've seen numerous right wing MAGA wackos try to use that as a demonstration of the mainstream media being corrupt unlike www.freedomeagleflag.ru or whatever. They don't like when you point out it was Sinclair, a right wing junk outlet.

[-] [email protected] 68 points 1 month ago

IIRC these organoids also die after somewhere around 100 days of hypoxia, because they have yet to be able to construct a proper circulatory system for them.

[-] [email protected] 79 points 1 month ago

I'm not a lawyer, but wouldn't pretty much every jurisdiction consider you properly served if you were posting publicly demonstrating knowledge of the case and especially that you were dodging service?

[-] [email protected] 75 points 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure they actually can't at all. Israel bars foreign journalists from entering Gaza.

[-] [email protected] 83 points 2 months ago

$0.00? Holy shit. That's actually a little impressive.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 4 months ago

Ohanion was also a fucking prick, shitting up the company while he was there. All the Ellen Pao stuff and the r/IAMA clusterfuck that led to the first big Reddit shutdown? Yeah that was all Ohanion's doing. Then he let Pao take all the heat for his decisions and get ousted.

[-] [email protected] 73 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

She went to Orangeburg Preparatory School, a private school that was formed by the merger of two private schools that were segregation academies. Ask her how many black classmates she had. If the answer isn't zero it was in the low single digits in a county that's 60% black.

[-] [email protected] 68 points 8 months ago

Most of the YouTube issues aren't DMCA claims but their own Content ID horseshit where there's automated matching, zero policing of catalogs and associated rights, and seemingly zero recourse for misrepresentations.

I'm friends with a YouTuber (with just under 1M subs) who has licensed music for his intro/outro. Other people have taken that music and created remixes, then uploaded those remixes to rights management companies with access to the Content ID system. They then flag the original work automatically, which allows them to divert monetization from the YouTuber. It doesn't go into escrow pending dispute resolution. The claiming company just gets to steal the money and keep it no matter what the ultimate result is. On top of that the initial appeal/dispute process is decided by the claiming party instead of someone neutral like YouTube themselves. It's usually a huge hassle to resolve. My friend has lost thousands of dollars through this.

[-] [email protected] 73 points 8 months ago

We’re all struggling here to cover the bases of social security and Medicare and Medicaid

Yeah and a bunch of extra kids surely won't increase costs of Medicaid.

[-] [email protected] 69 points 8 months ago

Holy shit, if the budget didn't need passing in the next few weeks this would be so much more hilarious.

[-] [email protected] 68 points 8 months ago

We are continuing to increase our production rate, with the aim of fulfilling all backorders, and getting Raspberry Pi in stock at all our Approved Resellers, by the end of the year

I feel like I've heard that last part a few years in a row.

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