I know this is a joke, but the reality is I, and many others, would probably prefer an AI to many politicians. At least you would know they are not lining their own nest and would make decisions based on facts and not opinions.
The only poll that matters is on the day. Make sure you go out and vote, don't assume it's a foregone conclusion.
Overthrowing capitalism is unlikely to happen in the near term and the discussion was about homelessness.
I think Labour will win a landslide this year, but 2029 (or earlier) will give voters enough time to be frustrated that despite all the talk about change, nothing will in fact change. That plus war on the horizon (literally maybe) and it seems that a right wing government of some description will be in power next. That may be a reform/tory merger of some sort, or it could even be labour lurching even further to the right. Either way, I fear we are headed into dystopia.
Because we are not a dictatorship and have no desire to be one.
I'm all for nationalising infrastructure, including houses, but you would still have to compensate shareholders unfortunately. If we didn't (which is an option) the markets would react very badly and make Liz Truss seem like a genius.
How fucked are we?
We're really fucked
I'm in favour of a Land Value Tax, this means hoarding land becomes expensive. It also means grouse moores and golf courses become expensive (good things in my mind)
The house building companies already have vast amounts of land they own with planning permission in place. They restrict the amount of housing they build to artificially keep the prices high, if they build too many, the prices they could sell their houses for would drop, reducing profit. These are private companies and the government has little control over them. This is why every government for the last few generations has promised more houses and delivered nothing.
When we again weigh each sensitivity by the percent-area for the Earth, our global average ECS is 7.2 °C per doubling of CO2, much higher than the most recent IPCC estimates of 2.3 to 4.5 °C and consistent with some of the latest state-of-the-art models which suggest ca. 5.2 °C
2.3c means crop failures and food shortages globally. 5.2c means the end of our civilisation. 7.2c means the end of our species.
Makes me laugh that she thinks calling Tennant Rich is an insult when Sunnak is literally richer than the King
Ha! You are not wrong, but give it a few years and I can see AI being used in governments all over the world.