
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Love Thai curry! Almost never make it though, as none of the Asian markets near me carry thai curry paste that is both vegan, and doesn't contain any allergens to me (Cardamon being the big one there). I've made the paste from scratch a few times, but its a fair amount of work.


Rant spoiler-ed below, because its mostly just complaining, but it feels like a lot of games lately have added 'gamified xp' to their systems, and I don't understand the appeal at all. The most positive any player I've talked to has felt about the systems are 'meh, I could take it or leave it', with most slightly disliking them.

So, mostly, I'm looking for people that like these kinds of mechanics (I have to assume they're out there if so many games feel like they're adding them), and what you is it you like about them.

But I feel like Milestone XP just makes the most sense for any traditional coop party RPG.

rantI like trying out a bunch of different systems, and there's a lot to like, especially with a lot of the smaller games out there. I do like there 'narrative' approach ttrpgs feel like they've been taking recently, but between Chronicles of Darkness, ICON, Forged in the Dark, Apocalypse world, etc., and all there spinoff systems all having XP be earned for specific actions in game, its just a pain in the ass, that takes me out of the action.

I mostly GM, but I strongly prefer milestone XP. For some of the above games, its easy enough to gut their bespoke XP systems out of it, and just have players advance over time, but in several of them, it fucks with the overall balance, since several actions are 'bad', but made worthwhile because they earn XP.

But I don't like the feeling of interrupting game to award point, and adjudicate character advancement. And I hate systems that have players advance unevenly. There's always going to be a certain degree on uneven-ness in player attention, of rules mastery, and of spotlighting. As GM, its important to manage those so that everyone gets a chance to shine. But it just feels like increasing that workload for the GM, to need to additionally pay attention to the XP, and try to drag or XP share the players that don't find those systems engaging to not mechanically fall behind.

And as a player, I tend to have higher system mastery and attention than the others I play with, and tbh it feels bad to end up with more XP because of that. But also, it feels bad to knowingly pass up free XP by purposefully not engaging with those systems.

Really, only Call of Cthulhu and Paranoia feel like their gamified XP fits, and that's largely because the games are supposed to feel hopeless and unfair, and in the case of Paranoia, gamified and playing favorites.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

If the target is already captured or subdued, nothing can oneshot them. That's just coup de grace.

"one shot" says to me that it instantly kill or removes as a threat an as-of-yet untouched and un-interacted-with target.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I'm the opposite. I can't ever 'zone out' while listening/watching/reading/playing stuff; I can't even listen to music while playing games, and usually turn background music on low or off.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I am still like this with movies and TV.

It just doesn't appeal to me. I've seen a handful of movies/shows that I'd call "not boring as shit" ever, and even then, its not something I'd choose to do myself, but is fine if I'm, like, chillin and chatting with people or whatever.

Might be my neurodivergence, might also just be how much of a reader I am. Movies are just so slow compared to reading.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yes, was going to bring up Fate! I really like systems that split damage into 'heroic near misses or light damageless scrapes' and 'actual wounds', without getting too bogged down in random tables and lookup charts.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Last I saw, Covid death rates were still almost double that of influenza. And that's even with (generally) higher vaccination rates for covid over the flu.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I used Plime before reddit, around 2008. Hard to even find info on it these days, not that it was anything special; same general setup as digg or reddit or lemmy.


Made of 10 awg copper wire and 18 awg silver plated wire. Copper work hardened more than I thought, wish I went with 12g instead, but it does make the final result sturdier.