This is a bit of a depressing reality tbh
Is this a pronunciation thing? Those words are not homophones where I am
I'd definitely be curious to know
And we'll never know what the perfumes smell like because they'll never be broken
I notice you post a lot of Bellotto's, is he an artist whose work you particularly enjoy?
I didn't say it was ok, only that it was probably technically fine
I'm an accountant and auditor, while it's incredibly misleading, not fraud. They would have to demonstrate to the auditor that the value is correct, it does appear that dividends are being issued so it would probably pass the bar required for valuation.
It's not like Britain can take them back if Greece decide to keep them!
Could be former stray cat with clipped ear
Linkedin is already full of rubbish posts, AI just makes it worse
I'm a right hander whose writing slants left. There are basically no fonts that slant left, so I guess, none?
Have you tried contacting the mod maker? Perhaps they can assist you