My opinion, worth 1 cent. Find a niche. Get a view of what the other instances are like. Find a niche.
Trailers? Behind the scenes? Entertainment news? Obscure posters and merch?
We can pick one, stick to it. They'll go somewhere for general discussion, come here for specific engagement.
And to back this up they registered a domain for their "Operation Dreadnaught" on Feb 2. So it does show some premeditation instead of opportunistic attribution.
They weren't in very good hands.
I just got my FlippyDrive, once my new shell comes in I'll consider grabbing this before the install.
Just got a new car, can I find a Sherman decal to put over Lee?
I've been trying to find a replica of that flag for many years
Just joined the patron and made a portal account. I'm excited to hopefully be a part of this.