[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

A gallon glass carboy is $20-25 and that's going to be your biggest up front expense. That's reusable, however so once you've got that you're not going to need another for simple small batches. Champagne yeast is like $10-20 for 10-20 packs (figure a dollar per pack) and each pack can easily make 2 gallons if you're smart enough to split it in half. 3lbs of raw honey from Costco will run $12-15 and a gallon of boiled water rounds out your list. Yeast nutrient is probably a good idea since it almost guarantees good results (1lb is like $10-15 and you only use 1/4 tsp or so per gallon batch). One-way air locks for brewing with stoppers are $2-10 depending on how many you buy (also reusable). So your first batch is your most expensive at $85 absolute worst case with today's prices. From there on out subsequent batches cost only the honey, water, and any fruit or spices you want to try adding. As far as hobbies go, that's not bad considering how much variety there is in it. I can't comment on beer, but mead is dead simple as long as you keep everything sanitized before and after brewing.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

As someone who makes meads/wines in a closet and has done so while renting, I don't particularly see the relevance as long as your batches are small and contained... Typically, the tools and ingredients aren't wildly expensive either if you're keeping things simple (in the US, anyways). Honestly, I don't see how more demographics don't get into the basics of homebrewing. It's dead simple to make something "passable" and with time and effort you can even make something good/great!

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

I have personal experience with BTRFS and Windows. And that experience is that it's roughly as stable/complete as NTFS is for Linux. 6 of one and a half dozen the other. I can't recommend either situation for guaranteed stability long term between systems if one really needs to swap between the OS's frequently while accessing all the same files.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

To say that EVERYONE saw this coming may be an understatement. The moment the devs teased taking out the Honorball game mode and spinning it off into a completely separate game, the writing was on the wall. Possibly my favorite shooter series and it seems to be stuck in development purgatory. Even the unofficial Tribes-likes and other FPS-Z games can't ever seem to find their footing.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 3 weeks ago

I run mine with the actual photos on HDD but the database on SSD. So far everything has been near instantaneous for loading, downloading, uploading, you name it.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

I can't even fathom how many layers deep we are in sarcasm.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

Oh I never said I didn't like anything. Chocolate and vanilla are both great. And they certainly must compliment the soup.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago

Thank you for clarifying. The flavors of the ice cream is really what I was hung up on here.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 1 month ago

I can vouch for Bazzite. Been running it on my desktop and laptop (both amd gpu's) with virtually no issues or hiccups. The desktop is even dual boot, despite that not being advised.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

Traefik is love. Traefik is life. How could you say "no" to that mascot!?

[-] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago

The Truecharts version of Qbittorrent has gluetun baked in as an option already. Initial configuration can be a bit of a pain depending on your VPN provider, but it seems to work beautifully once set up.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago

Aw sick! I love B̷̡̨̢̨̨̧̡̛̛̳̰̼̘̬̭͉̜̣̭͇̗̗̠͎̰̣̦̻̞̻̲̗͚̖̟̠̭̱̻̜̯͔̜̞̭̪̞͕̠͉̫̻̘̝̣͕̖̘̬̯͉̱̻̫̟̣̼̭̬̲̯̅͂̓̿̏̐̆̾͋̑͂͊͋̔͂̾̂̊̉̀̉͑̅̊̍̈͛̐̌́̎͑̑̎̎̈̔͐͋͆̿̒̑̑̇̃͌̈̿̑͛̾̈́̀͗͗̀́̏͐̏̍̔̏̓͑͒͂͆̇̓̈́̄̍͌̂̆̄̈͐̄̈́̅̄̒̆̀͂̂͗̅̉̏͂́̓̈̑͛̓͋͗̆͌͒̎̊̽́͑̋͊̾͌̒̄͊̓͂͛͑͘̕̚͘͘͘̚̚͜͠͠͝͠͝ȩ̵̨̨̡̢̡̢̢̧̢̧̧̛̛̠̯̦̯͚̘̥̬͈̻̻͔͔̻͔̦̯̦̙̹̖̖̦̫̝̲̖̣͖̬͕̱̱̼̘̥̬͔͎̬͖̥̲̱̝̭͈̥̥̰̞̺͍̲̤͈̺̩͉̳̰̝̥͍̭̘̻̯̮̫̪̮̜͉͓̗̳̦̞͓̹̭͖̬̥͉̳̪̙̻̫͓̰̼͙̠͉̺̙̝̥̖͓̺̞̼͉̰͕̦̳̖̥̭͓̱͍̠̤̼̤̣̜̊͂͌̐̆͗̀͂̄̔̊͑̽͋͗͂̂͗͊̐̄̌̌̒̿̂͂̽͑̂̑̽̏́̏͆̆́̀́̍̈̾̈̂̓̌̓͌̈́̆̿̿̃̒̄̌̈́̍̈́̐͋̓̑͑͛̋͒̏̆̋͗͗̆͛̄̈͂̊̃̎͂́̓̾͛̑́́́̉̂̈́̏̿͐̽̈̓̓̐̉͂̃̇͐̍̂͒̿̋̉̍͂̌̔̈́͂͂͗̽̓̏͌͂̓̿̀̀͊̔̉͊̈́̃̈́̏͌̈́͑͆̐͂̒̇͊̇͘̕͘͘̚̚͘̚̕̕͘͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝ͅr̵̨̡̧̨̛̛̘͇̼͍̻̞͕̤̻̫̟̲͔̲͖̹̹̬̜̬̹̪̹͚͇̺͍̼͓̠̝̫̯͍̙̩̱̘͍͖͓̹̙̖̎̋͑͗̀͌̈́̍̈́͒̀̈́̉͑̋͋̄͛̆̓̅̽̀̾͗̿̐͂́̓̿̎͂͐̏̓͆́̈͛͆̌̄̀́͊̔̾̌͋̔̄̈̾̌͋͐͆̇͌̑̑͛͊͂̏̽̑̆̈́̔̔̀͊͛̃̆͐̐̐̍̿̎̃̌́̽̅̉́͛̉͊̏̂͂͒̈̉͌̓̒̄̆̿̈̉͋͊͌̏̎́͆̐̅́́́͆̀́͊̀̊̅̽͊̎̐́̏̽̋͋̀͛̃̅́̓͘̚̚̚̚̚̕̕͜͝͠͝͠͝͠͠͝͠͝͝͠͝ͅr̸̡̛̛̛̛̜̯̫̈́͒̄͋́̊̽̈́̓̌̈́͊̀̄̈̏̔̅̓́̌̂́̔̉̓̽͐̌̀͆͊̈́̈́̾̊̀͗̅͊̆͂͗̽̀͋͒͒́̌̉̑̎̅̍̒̽̋͛̀̒̆̈̐̾̅̾͌̋́̔̇̇̇͒̂͊̀͐̈́̐̇̔̾̎̐̇̈́̃͂̈͑̾̇̈́̐͊̑͒̒̕̚̚͘͘͘̕̕̕͜͝͝͠͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͝ỳ̶̨̨̡̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̤͖͕̫̹̰̟̮̺̺̱̝͇̜̹̠̝͍͕͍̖̗̘͇͚͚̺̦̪̲͚̝̭̟̱͍͕̞͈͍͍̜͎͎͍̻̜̥̩͎͍̗̭̯͈̥̦̞̦̲̯͎͙̞̺̲̫̼̻͌͗͒̋̈͆̑̾̈́̆̽̈́͗̈͋̀̇͛̀̅̓͗͆͒̃̽̐̒̂͌̽̓͑̃̔̆̈́̄̋̏͛̃̀̀̀͋́̋̈́̐̎͐̆͗̿͆́̿̀̌͗͗́̄̀͂̿͊͌̐͛̒̈́̋́͑̌̇͂̈́͗́̎̊̓̆̈͋́̓̂̐̓̎͌̅̓̂͊͆̓̉̔̀͌̈́̾͌̆͊͒̃͌̏̌̊̔̉̾͑͘̚̕̕̚͘̕̚̚̚̕̕̕͘͜͜͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅ ̶̧̧̢̡̢̢̛̛̛̛̛̝̩̤̞͎̰͇̫̲̦̱̱͉̮͔̞̦̦͉̯̣̼̥̻̜͍͔̺̭͉̫͍̣̘̻̗̻̻͙̭̤̲̲̬̥̱̗̖̩̫͎̰͕͖̭̏́̒̾̽̐̃̾̈͗̄̈́́́̀͑͐̏̆̃̏͌͛́͒̔̿̆̋̂̈́̈́̿̓̄̐̄̓̄͘̚̚͜͜͜͝͠͠͠L̶̨̧̧̧̨̧̡̨̧̧̢̧̧̛̛̼̝͖̙͈̰͙̼͙̰̲̭̗͈͕̻̯̜̮̙͚̼͖͇͓͖̖̹̫̳̫̲̘͔̥̩̭͈͕̞̦̺͈̰̘̫͚̼͚̻͇͙͚̻̫̟̥̞̞̝̪̦̥̦̣̠̳̲͓̜͈̺̘͍͓̹̺̦̺̗̭͔͓̹͇̙̟͔͓̹̪̥͕̘̭͕̜̠͈͙̰̹̬̣̤̗͇̠͙̗̮̥̞̲͖̩̠̬̪̳̟̣̝͎͓̝̱̦̠̥̭̼̥̞̩͓̗͚̜̪̣͇̩̫͉̺̐̏̾̋̃̿̓̄̈́͌͊͆͐̔̊͌̊͊͂͆̆̓̔̇̽͒̔̍̽̔̂̇̄̽͒̍́̆̍̍̓̓͂̔̀͗̍̀̽̈́̐́͛̾̑̀̀͊̽͒̄̈͗̀̓̋͑̀̂̏̊̃̑̔̈́̄̉̋͊̒́̇͂̇̔̌̏̄͌͌͐̀̿̌̈́͛̍̍͗́̑̏̑͂̐̉̀͊̋̎̽̒̈͆̊̋̾̂̈́̔͊͌̄̾̈́̚͘͘͘̚̚̚̚̕̚̚̕͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅi̷̢̢̨̨̧̧̨̢̨̨̛̪͇̭̞̝̺̯̯̹̻̘͚̭̞͈̼̬͇̲̳͇̥̼͎̣͓̬̺̘̣̙̺͉͙̪̫̦̻̺̙͙̻͕̙̪͎̹̩̖̭͈̮̭͖̗̝̪̰̯̯͕̞̬̪̼͈͎̬̩̲̤͍͈͍̪̦͚̻̞̰͙͎̣̳̣̥̩̼̗͎̯͚̭̟̙͙̝̥͓͍͓̫̜̥̺̜͔͇͙̥̲̞͕͂̌͋͗̓͊̓̓̾̄̓̂̄̄̈̀̂͗̽̄̍̇̀̊̓͑̏̑̀̌͌̇̔̏̓̑̔̓͒̄͒͊͗̑̿͒̽͐̀͑̀̕̚̕̕̚͘͜͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅm̸̧̧̧̨̨̡̢̨̧̢̨̛̛̛̛͓̖̠̪̙̤̜̼̱͈͇̫̱͖͚̮͕̬̰͈̥͚͇͈̥̬̻̼̫̣͇̯̗̻̗̳̲̞̦̯̻̟̦͖͇̬̲̮̯̪͔̳̱͙͔̩̭͕̪̱̰̼̞̞͙̱̠̗͖̹̲̲̬̺̭̩̳̟̙̦̺͍̹̭̻̗̤̟̱͎̣͚̝̝̰̮̯̖̫̭͓̤͎̙̠͍̤̮̭̮͕͙͍̣̦̫̘̤̫̜͖̰̗̠̘̟̫͕̼̬̼̱̦̩͔͈̮̬̤̦̪̻̟̮̺̬̰̰͓͍͎͇̦̤͉̠͎̥͑͗́̆̿̎̾͐̃̓̓́͛̀̉̈̈́͐͐͛͌̓͋͛́̿̿͌̿̄̌̈́̍͋͐͗̓͆̅̏̓͑̌̍̈̈́̅̔̀͛̂̿͂̈́͛̀̌̍́́̀͗̏̀̈́͐̽́̄̊̊̃̌̿̈́̍̔̿̒̔͌̽͊̐̈́͊̄̏̈́̎͐͌̽̀̂̐͑͑̎̋͐̓̽̂̀̀̕̕͘̕̕̕͘̕͘̕̚͘͜͜͠͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͠͠͠͝͠͠͠ȩ̴̡̡̢̨̧̨̡͙̜͇̝̠̱͓̣͙̣̻̟͍͕̗̞̥̩̦̜̰͇̳̙̥̻̗̦̥̮̦̭̼̼͇̘̠͚̠̠̱͉̬̬̖͕̻̫̜̬͉̱͔̩̣̖̱̜̤͖͇̞͈̖̘̗̬̪͙͍̟̥̟͕̘͚̩̯̲̩̪̗͔͚̭̟͔͓̙̺͎̟͎̲̫̙͓̩͚͇͉̩̘͇͙̪̠̱̟͉͙͚̹̠̦̦͖͈̟͇̙͙̼̖̲̘̩̗̻̤̣͙̺̦̣̮͎̗̥̘̰͓̯̂̓͗̀͋̂̀͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜ͅͅͅͅǎ̶̡̨̡̨̧̡̢̡̧̧̧̛̦̭̼̤̳͖͇̪̪̠̣͙̤̞̭̣̠͉̦̖̥̱̮̯̹͓̯͍̪̠̖͎̫̖̮̗̬͙̎̀͌͋̀̂̏̌̀̉͆̎̈̔̊̈̅̊̐͋̀̉̆̏̒̌̓͛͑̃͌͂͑͛̈́̏̿̑̋́̍̍̇͋̂̔̂̓̅̈̈́̂̑̏̂̋͗̊̓̑́̀̿͘̕͘̕͜͠͠͝͠͝ͅḑ̶̨̧̨̡̢̨̡̨̛͕̹̻̯̫̠̘̭̻͉̜͇̺͉̠̭̰̫̹͎͔̼̥̪͕͇͍̘̭̹͓͇͚͕̙̹̯̝̼̠̭̼̪̪̩̞̠̝͈̗̤͖̺̩̘͖̘͎̗͚̰͈͔̥̞̰̩͈͇̭̝͚̮̯̗͎̩̩̖̯̬̫̖͍̠̩̠̰̠̙̻͙͖͕̲͔̪̗͉̱͍̥̝͇̖̫̻̱̼͈͛̃́͐́̏͛̆̎̅͌͋͌̑̍́̅̈̊͒̎̉̾̐́̌̑͗͛̆̐͒̏̅̀̍͗̐̀̿̔̀͋̐͛̎̌̄͑́̍̎͐̀̑͛̿̋̒̿̏̋́̋̿̀͂̽͒̔́̾̕̚̚̕͘̚͘͜͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͝ͅͅͅē̶̡̢̛̛̛͚̩̼̼̤̬̼̤͍̫͍͖̫̱͈̘̙̘̦̩̭̯̼̻̭͍̻͎̍͐̄͂̀͒̽̈̅̀̓̉̽̏̽̄̂̋̄͗̍̐̈́̔͛̀̂̉̀̓́̉̄̈͆̈̑̐͋͆̿̈̾̚̕͘͝͝͝͝͝ͅ

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