Nuhuh I get my water dehydrogenated
The tools exist for creatives to use.
They've been doing that for years
But then they can't sell it for a ridiculous price
They literally don't
Yeah they're usually plants to draw votes away
IMO the biggest failure of most video game movies is they try to translate the story or characters directly to film, ignoring the biggest part of games is player interaction. Make a film in that universe with an original story. Sure cameos are fine, or if you really want a main character from the game, don't just rehash events from the games.
Its one of the best things to come out of 4chan. Glad it's getting a popular release finally
Specifically the first Alien movie, and I guess technically Prometheus as well.
I saw someone post a video recently about how whole food 'unprocessed' (lol) smoothies are a cure for cancer and a bunch of other things. And she was 100% serious and had a not insignificant following. I just hope someone with cancer doesn't see it and believe it.
I keep hearing this "it's legal to steal under 1k in commiefornia" because conservatives are too fucking stupid to know what a misdemeanor is.