
joined 11 months ago

I'm in need of a new host nvme drive that can scale up some sql performance, i read that the nvme 7450 MAX is great for this type of work, but i can't find the nvme version anywhere where i live, they do however have the same version but inside a ssd enclosure as shown here : https://media-www.micron.com/-/media/client/global/images/image-gallery/products-and-technology/ssds/7450-ssd-with-nvme-product-line/7450-group-ordered-vertical-uhd-2000px-v02.jpg?la=en&rev=e83abc7415c849f08a4860e06fddec10&hash=896CAFBC7236F38B1775B396298361B2 (U.3 7mm and U.3 15mm)

Long shot but maybe someone knows, is this just a simple enclosure that can be opened and the nvme can be extracted from the inside or no? I don't have any U.3 connections available on my super micro board and i need the regular m2 connector.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

if you get the asus apex encore you are almost 100% guranteed to get 8000xmp tweaked working, i've tried 5 different 14900K cpus on my apex encore motherboard and all were stable in 8000mhz xmp.

that being said, if you get any other motherboard i heard its very likely you wont go over 7200 on the ram, the apex encore is special as it only features 2 ram slots and if you are going to buy it make sure you buy 2x single rank memory modules to reach 8000, preferably look at the QVL.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

if they cant make this "feature" automated but must have actual techs sit and optimize each game manually it will die trust me, its kinda crazy how bad the "thread scheduler" must be tbh, they should focus on getting that thing to work instead of doing this