
joined 2 years ago
[–] DadVolante 7 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

Yeah, I hate responses like this. You're in the heart of the empire, you ain't getting to choose between Clark Kent and Lex Luthor.

There was only two outcomes and it was our job to pick the less shitty outcome.

End of story.

Americans really are still pushing this hyper-exceptionalism narrative to try and blame the Dems

This was a group effort. The third party voters and the people who stayed at home have just as much blame for this crap.

They need to own their shit and realize that you don't always get what you want, sometimes you have to do what you can with what you have.


[–] DadVolante 4 points 4 days ago

I agree. His motivations were purely political in order to keep people in line when he realized this new movement wasn't going away any time soon.

Which is why on one hand we have Jesus calling for freedom of oppression, while Paul was telling slaves to obey their masters, even the cruel ones

Religion has always been politically motivated to control people.

[–] DadVolante 3 points 4 days ago

You're not dumb as fuck.

It's a common misconception. Wasn't even really until around the time of Queen Isabella (Might have the wrong queen as it's pretty late here) that fair skin was considered preferable and a sign of religious purity.

Humans are a weird species.

[–] DadVolante 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (7 children)

Like I said, more Olive toned. Sorry it offends you but ancient Europeans, especially people in the Italian peninsula and Greece didn't exactly look like the Europeans of today, being as most of them came from a different part of the world

They weren't white people who left the middle east, they were middle eastern people who eventually turned white due to the different climate conditions of the area.

Not dumb as fuck, nuanced. History is neat like that

[–] DadVolante 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

He existed alright but we have zero idea if he claimed to be the son of God. That was added much later after his death.

Jesus could in fact be an algamation of various men at the time who led the religious/social movement that would eventually become Christianity, and not all early versions claimed him to be the son of God. Some even claimed him to be a new God here to rescue us from the original God who was harsh, vindictive and punishing. Lots of wild shit.

So even the "he said he was the son of God" is a myth and legend.

But there definitely was a dude who was alive back then who had a LOT of complaints concerning the church and the government.

[–] DadVolante 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (10 children)

Ancient Romans weren't even really white. More olive toned.

There aren't any white people in the Bible.

[–] DadVolante 2 points 4 days ago

They were changed much, much longer than 200 years.

Hell, the book of Mark, the oldest version we have (that both Mathew and Luke are copied from) has a completey different ending and vibe than what he have now

A grumpy, almost cynical Jesus who gets annoyed pretty often that people don't listen to him or his instructions. It's hilarious.

[–] DadVolante 3 points 4 days ago

There are about 30 gospels that didn't make it into the final version of the Bible, some talk about a little about it.

Most were ordered destroyed and not rediscovered until pretty recently in Egypt.

I'm not a Christian, just someone with an interest in it. There's pretty much no doubt Jesus was someone who actually was alive, but what we have concerning his "story" could possibly be an algamation of different people who led both a religious and social revolution at the time

One theory suggests that Jesus actually has a brother who looked strikingly similar (James) enough to actually pull off pretending to be him.

Which would explain after his death why people purported to have seen him. Possibly a tactic to keep the revolution alive

[–] DadVolante 4 points 4 days ago (3 children)

None of the Gospels were written by the apostles. They didn't even have names until much, much later. I'm talking centuries.

Life expectancy was also much shorter

Mathew and Luke are both just re-writes of Mark. Mark is the oldest out of them all, and the oldest surviving versions we have are not designated a name.

It was a marketing ploy much later to give each gospel a name of one of his apostles to give them more credibility.

Some parts of Mathew and Luke are even word for word copies from Mark, which suggests that they are revisions from a different party who decided to edit in their own ideas.

Hell, the original version of Mark actually has a different ending than the one we got in the modern Bible.

John comes much, much later which is why it's so different than the other three. It's Spaceballs.

None of the Gospels were written by anyone who personally knew him.

[–] DadVolante 1 points 5 days ago

Same. Does what I want.

[–] DadVolante 1 points 1 week ago

Just add a non-steam game to your library. I do that with epic, gog, and even my emulated and modded games. All in one place with just a couple clicks

[–] DadVolante 6 points 1 week ago

I don't think many outside of here do.

Many people here stay in the place they were born. Even when they hate it. It's hard moving and leaving everything behind. It's tough moving to a new part of the country without any contacts.

I've relocated a few times, there's always a culture shock. You'd think it would be pretty much the same everywhere due to our saturated commercial culture, but it really is different everywhere. Sometimes just a few hours of separation between places can be two completely different worlds

We're a nation full of smaller countries, cultures and customs. It's hard to see that on the outside looking in due to so many of us parroting things online, as well as the media that we distribute throughout the world (movies, tv, music ect)

But it's a VAST nation of many different ways of life.

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