[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

If only he were mad. Madmen sometimes decide to change directions 180° for no reason at all.

Non-madmen get desperate when they realize how badly they've fucked up. They attempt ever-greater follies trying to recover what they just recently lost.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Reuters has this nasty-assed paywall I only noticed just the other day. Not sure if it's new or if I just somehow managed to miss it.

submitted 2 years ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm in the process of selecting/purchasing/installing electric strikes. For those unfamiliar with them, it's basically a way to lock and unlock the latch itself that the door's bolt fits into.

In this way, they can work with just about any (non-deadbolt) door lock. You can even continue to use the key to open it, just in case the power's out.

I plan on having an ESP32 that will provide door closed/open status with a reed switch, and also an accelerometer inside the door itself that (experiments pending) might provide door motion telemetry while it opens and closes but also possibly door knocks and attempts to kick it in.

I have plenty of gpio pins left over. And what I'd like to do is to be able to detect the status of the door lock itself. If such a feature exists, I don't even know what to search for. I'm hoping to figure out a way to retrofit it myself. Considering that the lock is entirely mechanical, I thought that perhaps I might manage to stuff something optical into it that would be able to tell if a beam was interrupted. But I don't have a clear idea on how that might be accomplished... the lock itself can probably be disassembled and might have some room to fit very small components into it. Wiring for those will have to be threaded through the door and into the frame on the hinge side though (was planning on doing that for the accelerometers anyway).

It would only need to be able to detect locked/unlocked status so that someone could be warned, it wouldn't need to be capable of locking or unlocking.

Does anyone have any insight?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

20-30 million people each died from China and Russia during WW2, fighting the Nazism threat.

The Nazis or their ideological allies in Eastern Europe never set foot in China. Did China send troops to Europe to die? Was there some little known front in central Asia that they never taught me in school? Did the Chinese employ psychic soldiers to fight against the occult Nazi threat like out of Hellboy, whose souls were promptly eaten by Cthulhu?

Russia's a given. Everyone knows about that. I don't dispute it. China? China didn't fight the Nazis that I am aware of. I don't feel like I'm alone in being unaware of that. Enlighten us.

but in reality fascists were always opposite of socialists.

Not sure what this means. If you're saying that the two have conflicting ideologies, sure. Again, never knew anyone to dispute that. Even the people who make the comparisons are coming from a third and distinct ideology, which sees little functional difference between the two. They're not equating them to be literally the same.

The correct term is Nationalist Fascist, or NatFash.

If you say so. I didn't realize we were playing stupid word games where you think you've struck a blow for global Marxism by insisting that they should be referred to by a slightly different label, 30 years after most of the last of them died of old age.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Then please explain the "China have been historically the main protagonists against Nazism" statement. I'm having trouble making sense of it. I agree that Russia/USSR was one of the main protagonists (if not the main one), but China?

I'm just not following.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Ok, historically the Soviet Union deserves alot of credit for kicking Nazi ass. Most of it, even.

China? Huh? Are you talking about the Japanese? They were allied with Nazis, and they were bad, but they weren't Nazis themselves. And this is an important distinction, because if you refuse to make it, then "Nazi" means nothing more than just a really strong synonym of "bad".

Given how much "bad" there is in the world, then nearly everything and everyone becomes "Nazis".

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

They could’ve just sat there and waited for more regions to separate.

Perhaps Putin knows something the rest of us don't.

Like, I dunno... that more regions didn't want to separate, and any pretense to the contrary was purely through his own meddling?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Cats are people, people are morally obligated to not hurt other beings, the conclusion is plain and impossible to get wrong.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

What makes you believe ivermectin has any efficacy at all? Are you aware of some super-secret biological mechanism that the rest of us are ignorant to, that makes it effective medicine, either preventatively or therapeutically? Or did you just latch onto it months ago when everyone was panicking, and now you're engaging in magical thinking?

If you're unaware of a mechanism, that's ok. Sometimes things work and no one knows why. But we're able to prove that with large-scale double-blind studies. Please point to those that show ivermectin to be effectively either prevenatively or therapeutically.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

You are doubling down unnecessarily and dying on the wrong hill, mate. Stop.


I'm not "dying on a hill". How will I be punished exactly?

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

The scrubbed data is here, not hard to find, all in a 91 MB 7z archive. https://old.reddit.com/r/piracy/b3zzzp/

Sure. And I can go read cuneiform tablets to find out what the ancient Babylonians had to say.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 2 years ago

Shutting down the entire subreddit would have been worse

How? If shut down, then there would be no forum. And the other option, there was the appearance of a forum, where nothing of substance about the topic it was founded upon could be discussed.

This wasn't about people posting torrent links (or not just that). They were nuking all sorts of shit. Discussions of when torrents might become available in the future, technical details on how anything worked, release names. You name it, anything of interest was gone (and that's only from that point going forward, literally everything going backwards was scrubbed and scrubbed hard).

When a large social media platform continues to exist, even if it's bad, even if it's unusable... it sucks the oxygen out of the room. Often making it impossible for anything else to take its place, even if that substitute would fix those problems. By keeping that forum around, it starved out other possible venues for years.

It wasn't the right call. It just happened to be the only call where he got to continue to "be in charge". Which is the thing he's most concerned about here, with this post.

and the old posts were archived, so the post link removal is not an issue.

That's great for historiants in the 26th century, they have access to all of those posts. For the vast majority of human beings alive today, they are effectively gone. They cannot be found without extraordinary, heroic efforts. Which no one will bother to do, because if they knew what it was they were looking for exactly, there'd be no reason to search in the first place.

"Don't worry that he burned down the public library, some millionaire book collector who lives in Europe somewhere has private copies of all the rare editions!"

The talk of an exodus being possible in the first place here, is because it was not shut down back then.

That exodus happened way back then. Just no one noticed because they had a heavily-censored forum with enough activity that it looked like something was going on.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

So you destroyed the village in order to save it? You did lose the subreddit anyway. Nothing could ever be discussed. Everyone self-censored even if you didn't force the issue on them.

The admins did it. But instead of them doing it despite your efforts, you cooperated. Hell, even that might be forgivable if afterward you'd realized the mistake you made and owned up to it. Instead, you're here defending it.

What great lessons have you learned, that the same or similar wouldn't be repeated here? I mean, another person might have spent years struggling with and straining their brain to figure out how to make a forum that assholes like the reddit admins can't nuke. No, your best is apparently waiting for someone else to come up with a possible solution, and then just migrating over to it until the copyright trolls catch up and start lobbing legal thermonukes in this direction. Then I guess you'll cooperate again, and wait for yet another forum to be created somewhere else, only to repeat the pattern.

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