[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 month ago

Not giving Russia a political reason to for starters.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 2 months ago

If a civilian comes at you with a weapon, trying to kill you, are they still a civilian?

If a civilian stands in front of relief trucks, sending food/medicine/clothes/tents while the military destroys food/medicine/homes, are they still a civilian?

If a civilian cheers every time one of their country's soldiers shoots a random person or when a bomb in dropped on a hospital, or when missiles are fired at the places went to get away from the fighting, are they still a civilian?

'Cause, from where I'm sitting, being okay with slaughtering people kinds makes it seem like they aren't 'innocent' in this.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 2 months ago

I find it hilarious as the "vote uncommitted" movement(?) specifically says that they will vote for whoever is on the Dem ticket in the General Election. This is just a complete self own by the Democratic Party.

[-] [email protected] 23 points 4 months ago

A man makes blankets and he "works in textiles" a woman makes blankets and she "has a hobby making quilts".

[-] [email protected] 28 points 5 months ago

Tucker spouting white supremacist homophobic transphobic speech

EU sleeps

Tucker flies to the EU or Russia to talk to another right winger about the weather or some shit

EU freak out

Really lets you know what their priorities are.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 6 months ago

So yeah, the USA isn't the world but if the place you live in is falling apart its understandable to shrink your worldview down to the that which affects you most or that you witness the most often.

  1. Don't feel like you have to stare into the abyss all the time. This is just self harm. Its like habitually looking at entries on the old rotten.com website. Nothing good will come of it.

  2. Do something, anything, that you can do alone. Plant some flowers, pick up trash in the neighborhood, read a manual about combat first aid or small engine repair, pick a country at random as far away from the USA as you can point to on a map and start learning about its history and culture.

  3. Find somewhere to do something, anything, with other people. Internet book club, see if any local groups/orgs need help feeding the hungry or helping the unhoused, probably some groups not too far away that exist to support one minority group or another that could use some help in research or outreach.

Also, the world is a complicated place with lots of different actors. China is doing some pretty cool and good things. There's a lot of scary situations that probably will lead to positive change in Africa and South America right now.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 6 months ago

USA Civil War: It was only the Southern states that were racist.

USA Civil War: The Confederacy was "only fighting for its way of life". With the hope that most USA'ians will assume that "its way of life" was anything but slavery.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Each of these folks is now a hero in the eyes of MAGA enthusiasts. They've been martyred after a fashion. They'll be able to generate a steady flow of cash for probably a solid decade whether behind bars or released.

Maybe they will be pissed that Trump and the rest of the really fashy right wingers in the USA political establishment have left them out to hang, but the next time a right wing populist gets them all riled up they will know to go full force and not waver like they did during January 6. They got to experience first hand what "going halfway" gets you and will learn from it.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 10 months ago

The current strain of libertarianism in the "west" does seem to have an issue at some point when it comes to this topic.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 10 months ago

Today, "Burning Man."

Tomorrow, "Dehydrated Men."

[-] [email protected] 24 points 10 months ago

anarchista-chad No, its really not.

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