After having driven through the I40 spaghetti junction at Dallas, I understand. Never again.
Are you me from the future? This is literally my mindset right now. Just started boycotting Amazon, Target, etc.
I should have used a code to change all my posts/comments to an advertisement for Lemmy. What are the going to do, ban me??
She’s got bigger balls than any sitting male democrat for this.
I want to hide beneath its fur coat until it’s safe again.
This needs to be higher up. Obviously this isn’t how it’ll go, but it’s how it would go for a regular old American.
Good to see some judicial checks and balances in action.
The first really hits hard, so I’d say that as well. ‘Cuck’ is too soft.
Precisely why I’ve removed as much of myself as I can from each Meta platform. I hate that it’s such a grip on long-distance communication and I’m actively working with my family to minimize our interactions on there in hopes of them doing the same.
This fucking idiot knows nothing about anything.
And they’re resisting, right? Right?? If I have to hold onto documents for years in case a public records request comes through, it should be no different for them.