Pretty sure just perspective trick. A lot cheaper and faster anyway.
joined 2 years ago
Fuck Tesla.
Feel good green text; Best green text.
Don't even care that it could be fake.
I'm aware of that. 't was only a joke.
Don't do drugs kids! Instead, let drugs, do you. 😏
Gotta start somewhere buddy. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Smoke some Phat Stanky Kush.
Best LoTR - DnD adaptation of Gandalf I've read so far. Couldn't agree more.
Sorry, I hadn't read it that way.
Fuck man. How evil can a person be? Like, did they brainwash themselves to think every Palestinian is bad? Even the fucking children?!
You know what I meant. A country in Europe. Do you need specifics? Try to figure it out through my post history.
Genesis with Jesus he knows me is hilarious satire and a really good song.