I thought flamenco was Spanish.
joined 2 years ago
Send me your favorite Dutch Jeroom comics and I'll translate them. (I'm Flemish)
Yes I know how stupid this sounds.
I did it. I read it in his voice. And now I want to join the Crunch lab club or whatever.
It's pieckle Rick bitch! 🥒
It's a really nice cave drawing for sure. It even has a bit of a Disney vibe to it. I think it's because of the little ears.
ThiNk aBoUT tHE eXp0SuRE!
Such a good lad, always thinking and caring about children's futures. This still gives me a little bit of hope for humanity. Cheers mate.
Yeah definitely satire, mate. Just stay there in cowboy land. Ignorance is bliss.
Yeah I think I'm OOTL, can someone explain?
That is the US version anyway. Usually it differs a little bit from country to country.
Cheers mate, hadn't seen this one before!