First thing I thought. I bet you his cronies won't see it that way.
If only someone wrote down what he taught so history would not repeat itself.
Yes, that's the point I believe. (:
Thanks for the link! Hadn't found this one yet.
Happens to the best of us, buddy.
Alas, it favours rich, white, straight men. He'll never get the full punishment he deserves. If he did, he'd already be in jail for a long time. I bet you his little tushy would have been massacred if he actually got convicted for all the horrible crimes he committed.
I don't want to know what the next step is. ಠ_ಠ
Ok fair enough my German is not good enough to understand if you're running with the joke or actually don't understand what I typed. It's too funny.
I'm Belgian, there used to be a Reddit community and we'd write our comments or posts written in the official languages of our country, Belgium. Since not too many other populations know a little bit of all three (Dutch/Flemish, French/Walloon and German) languages, it had become sort of a code language. (An easy one to crack at that)
So if you just translate every word you don't recognize to either french, German or Dutch (except for 'Kiek' it's dialect for Chicken and I was referring to the rooster that's on the Walloon Flag.) you should come up with the whole thing.
Maar nein, enfin. En België müssen vous gewoon wählen entre een kiek oder un matou griffant. Keine autre vlaggen.
Give me one with weed plz, no one needs to sit in my stank if they don't want to.