Who hung their laundry above the car collection?
I'm gutted for Lawson, it doesn't feel like he got a fair shot to acclimate. Red Bull is absolutely ruthless. Godspeed Tsunoda, hope it works out better for you.
I think red bull is about to discover they don't have a car, just a Max.
They're still peddling that other countries pay tariffs, which becomes "US revenue", and Americans will get a big tax break because importers pay our taxes now.
Fired!? Heavens no, multiple people should be in jail. but best we can do is pardons and maybe a raise.
I assure you you're not naive. They didnt do background checks or security onboarding for the cabinet "because it would take too long".
Welcome to AI smartphones. We're settling for this crap to capture real life.
There's always a tweet.
🍾👊🇺🇸🔥 = drink, fight (resist?), america's burning?
I'm not good at this emoji stuff
Wait people affiliated with Indivisible and DSA showed up to a Sanders Rally!!?? That's absolutely SHOCKING . and ActBlue is funding them?? But then... Where.. who's funding ActBlue? It might be the same DSA/Indivisible people!
Full circle folks, full circle.
/s for the dense. Its totally normal to join activist movements, donate to the cause, and show up to rallys with the other activists in said movement. I have no idea what this twat is on about.
I'll stress that's just to get in the door. Usually if you're going to the doctor they'll want to run xrays, CT scans, MRIs, blood tests, whatever diagnostics and it starts escalating fast.
But this is stuff people can plan for. Emergency visits are much worse in my experience, suffering from appendicitis would have put us $40k in the hole overnight without insurance.
Many drivers are signed for 2026/27 now, teams are locking down through the regulation changes, external circumstances are removing options. I hope he works out at vcarb because I liked the driving I saw when he subbed - but nothing is guaranteed.