Diabolical. I'm thrilled by the idea of it happening to someone else.
I built a one-shot around this idea on a heavily-modded Tiny D6 system, letting people choose which of the 4 they wanted to be with variants like wealthy or scientific Victorian, captain or gunner pirate, disgraced or retired Samurai, cattle driver or 49'er, and so forth. I set it in San Francisco to get some good conflux of cultures.
Of my 4 players, 3 of them chose to be rich Victorians. facepalm
Our player who likes doing this to the DM: "So they're giving us horses? What are the horses' names?" Our DM: "....no. You choose."
Speaking as a player (most of the time) I love making things worse for my poor character. And I send my evilest ideas to my DM. Who then makes them heartachingly worse. It's great.
Lower level and a high-level NPC bard gave the inspiration. Unsure whether he gave it to the NPC I was up against; if so, the guy flubbed that roll too.
We did manage to steal it and that is eventually the plan. Provided we can throw it without touching it.
Like someone with a deep US Southern accent saying geese. Gee-uhs.
At least one of these does look like it's 3d. I hope they did drop at least one die in here amongst the loot.
Hm. Re-watching (scene inside the wagon starts about 1:27:00) and yeah, as she's swinging in and we see the floor from a different angle, they are flat. But at least one of them in this pic looks like a d6 with pips.
Missed opportunity here, movie folks :D
Looking forward to this for my character. One more level... :D
"Look, I'm sorry, I just had to check whether a stake through the heart would kill him. It didn't really occur to me that it would kill normal people too." ;)
One of my friends started doing a thing where he adds his damage together. When it's as high as his hit point total, then he's down. I am trying it out. So I just needed to math the subtraction. Not a lot of math but shrug.