I am very very very left wing, but
Everytime I see someone say this I know without a shadow of a doubt that they're a centrist liberal.
I am very very very left wing, but
Everytime I see someone say this I know without a shadow of a doubt that they're a centrist liberal.
You are indeed a pitiful loser who deserves to be shamed, Nazi.
Speaking of "literal children": people like you who don't know the difference between "is" and "ought"
Nobody in this thread can explain to me how somebody who has complete control for life is not a dictator.
Yeah, because Xi isn't that.
Least bad faith jingoist.
Unless he's elected again, yes
Because when his term was going to end the last time he just extended it.
Well this is just false. Are you deliberately lying or just talking with confidence on something you know nothing about?
Seems like you assume everyone and anyone is a Nazi at all times
Take it up with the mods then, holocaust trivializer 🤷.
The same way that Nazi's blaming all of Germany's problems on "Judeo-Bolshiviks" was rascist
Yeah, and what you did was Holocaust trivialization
Jesus Christ, the willingness of westerners to make statements about things they are completely ignorant of is astounding.