Tbf they only complain about the removing your pants part. Keep your pants up, and you can take a shit there before they complain about the smell.
Just to be completely clear then (and I'm sorry for yelling):
Constrictive criticism
Freudian slip? But hey if that's what you're into then good for you 😉
Otherwise? Yeah, come on, don't settle for shit sex, if you can teach your partner to be better then why not? Don't be too afraid to say something.
Left arm straight, shoulder in. Right hand is doing what out there? Anchor that. /s
Actually that's pretty clever, does it shoot? And does it stay together when you do? What kinda weight are you drawing on coat hangers?
Too soon to call them nazis? No, go ahead. I'd prefer if we didn't dilute the term, so if fascist is more accurate, then maybe use that instead. But if someone's a nazi, call them out, document it, make their employers know who they have on their payroll.
Too soon to joke about? Yes, definitely. Joking about the current situation dulls people's perception of what's happening. You need Americans to have their eyes wide open for what's coming.
I took OP's comment as being made in jest, thus my "too soon" comment.
Jeg tænker mere på KL som en slags arbejdsgiverforening. Altså en modpart til fagforeningerne.
Hvis medlemmerne af en fagforening på én arbejdsplads, besluttede sig for at arbejde på mindre favorable vilkår end overenskomstens, så ville resten af fagforeningens medlemmer også brokke sig.
Så set i det perspektiv er det vel ikke så underligt at KL siger nej. Hvis arbejdstagerne (eller arbejdskraftsælgerne, for de mest røde i blandt os) er solidariske, så er kan arbejdsgiverne (eller arbejdskraftkøberne) også være det.
Aalborg kommune har allerede med udspillet været taktisk uheldige, for nu har FOA, og de andre fagforeninger på det kommunale område, lugtet at der er splittelse på det her område. Så lur mig, om der ikke kunne komme barnsyg på bordet, til OK26 forhandlingerne.
First off that's not really cheese.
Secondly, FFS, I completely forgot about that. I even interviewed at the plant that makes that once. But to my country men's credit, I've only ever seen it served a handful of times, and it is always left on the table, virtually untouched.
Thirdly, how the actual fuck did you ever learn about ananas Castello?
Yeah, first I get my boss to fork out 200euro for a workstation pro, so I can start doing esxi with my students. Before we can get esxi up and running broadcom locks esxi behind a non-transparent subscription with rumored insane monthly payments. Leaving me with an overpriced desktop hypervisor, which is now free.
Only free BTW because broadcom wants to lock as many as possible in, before pulling their pants down and ramming a subscription up their behinds.
Too soon
Anyone else here who had to do a double take, twice, at the headline, wondering why Trump would need a chief of police?
Does "return to sender" work differently where you're at? Here it's based in the return address and if I was sending a frigging bomb I'd refrain from adding a valid sender.
It brings to mind the timeless quote by Chris Griffin from Family Guy S03E18: