As a user with pretty limited knowledge on servers, I appreciate how easy it is to flip from instance to instance. One goes down and I use a backup account somewhere else. I'm really not keeping close attention to which one I'm on at the moment. It gives me access and lets me comment/post. I'm not trying to build any profile so it doesn't matter. I could see a major poster or mod want multiple accounts with the same name for consistency sake though.
I guess that's like tons but damn that is frustrating to learn. You finally did it and all called it the same thing and then just messed it all up. We were so close!
Well in that case, please let me introduce you to the inch. I have a good feeling about this!
What a cutie!
I came to that same realization today. I hope there's a simple fix
I've dabbled in the virtual assistants because I wanted to see what they can do. Siri (it's been years so I don't know if it improved), Alexa, Google, are all horse shit. Every time I try to use them it works like garbage. They either trigger incorrectly or try to implement something I don't want. The few times they do work correctly I don't trust them because of all the other garbage experiences so I have to double check what they did. That negates the entire point from a time and convenience standpoint.
You're exactly right. They are legally required to turn it over when compelled. Let's keep that mess away from the federation. It will only get worse.
If you expect them to ruin it like corporations have done at every opportunity in the past with federated hosting, why would you even allow them the opportunity. Let people join. Corporations are not people. Don't treat them as if they are.
I totally agree with your outlook and made a pretty similar post to yours a couple minutes ago. My only addition would be some concern as to why it seems like attacks are causing the downtime. The attacks do encourage improvement, but why do it in the first place. I'm hoping bored enthusiasts. At least it wouldn't be BS corporate attacks trying to eliminate competition.