I've thought this for a long time. Until every living person has virtually every one of their needs met at virtually all times, abortion isn't even on the table as something to worry about. We have a responsibility for what we have already, not some potential human that has plenty of other ways they would never make it to adulthood.
This isn't an excuse for the difference, but I wonder how exposure bias played into their perception. If a person was more accustomed to men in a specific situation and a woman "surprised them" by being involved, it could lead to time passing being perceived as longer. It would be similar to how any new experience is often perceived as taking longer than a familiar one in the same time period. Underrepresentation of women in that scenario would support it.
I agree with your reasoning but I think it highlights a major difference between genders in those stories. The hulk has decades of backstory that lets you just throw him into any plot as a badass. You don't need to invent why he's a badass because we all know it and the origin story is so played out that we all gloss over it. Now do that with a female character. Writing the equivalent to decades of lore in one origin story and then doing something with that origin in the same movie is way harder. Wonder Woman would be kinda similar but those origins are muddy with misogyny vibes. So now you have to use well established S tier characters to garner attention and bring in a fresh female face of similar calibar of power and act like they earned decades of respect in one movie. Either you're Mary sue or treated like a child in those situations. The lore fights female empowerment because of baggage. I feel sorry for anyone trying to write for a character like she hulk with all of the obstacles that exist, but I get why the attempts weren't successful.
I'm also really curious. I feel like this has to have happened, but I wonder if the level of change from a technical and societal perspective in such a short time frame has happened. As the world becomes more global, the speed that technology impacts other aspects of society also becomes quicker.
It's funny you use southwest as an example in this. I flew with them for the first time this year and it was easily the worst technical experience from an IT perspective that I have ever had. Sure I got from point A to point B, but everything involved with buying the ticket, getting through security, tracking my flight, boarding time, etc was worse than every other flight I've been on. The app was awful and basic features like delay notifications or pulling up the digital ticket made an already expensive as hell experience way more stressful. Windows 95 isn't keeping up
Actors choose to play people who are already assholes. They don't feel the need to say they don't agree the values of super sadistic mass murderer number 5. This guy did a dramatized documentary film and is now clarifying he doesn't like the original person's values, just acting. It should be unnecessary, but he feels he needs to clarify. A role doesn't equal they admire the character. He's clarifying for people like you who assume it does.
Or we have laws because a few grifters were so evil and were able to take advantage of the altruism of the majority so badly that we needed rules. The people had to be protected from themselves. If everyone was evil, they would all be so bent on conning each other that it wouldn't be profitable in the first place. I will say that it seems like a lot more grifters have shown up recently. That might correlate to desperation, lead poisoning, or microplostics though.
Even cinemas struggled to make that audio mix nightmare distinguishable. You need subtitles every other scene with your 17.5 surround
The whole elevator would just crash through the foundation. You'd be collateral when Death gets a 3 for 1 final destination style.
Would you rather deport 10 people for no reason at the cost of not deporting 1 that deserves it? Would you rather execute or imprison 1 innocent than not execute or imprison 1 deserving? ICE will hit a point where legal citizens are also reported to a place they are not citizens. Pick your ratio of what is acceptable but the innocent will be hurt.
But is it good enough to betray your family to a stranger?
Maybe but probably not. It's just basic common sense that all car manufacturers need to get on board with. Maybe there's just a coincidence that touchscreens and no physical buttons are cheaper to produce and the Chinese brands that you're referencing are also targeting cheaper production at the cost of road safety.