It's a special experience. Others have gone over the broad strokes, so I'll instead describe my two favourite characters in the entirety of fiction.
Sam Vimes is a pragmatic, down to earth everyman. In a world full of crime, racism, magic, and political shenanigans, he tries (and mostly succeeds) to be true to his beliefs and convictions. Convictions like female dwarves deserve to identify as female if they want to, no matter how much dwarven society despises any dwarf not sticking to male identities. That anyone and everyone deserves to be hired and promoted on merit, no matter the stigma around ghouls, zombies and werewolves. He cares about his people and his city, and really tries. He may not fully understand your culture or religion, but he will defend your right to it to the death.
Rincewind is the opposite of the hero archetype. He's the coward with a thousand backs. A failed wizard, because the immensely powerful spell living in his head scares off all the other spells, all he wants is to live a nice, calm, peaceful life. Against his will, he's dragged from adventure to adventure and runs away from every exciting and mystical thing in the world. He's seen everything, done everything, and never wanted to step out of the Unseen University.
True. It's not surprising, it's just annoying. We won't have a change in politics until the older generation dies off. They already lost a lot of power when the DNA started actually enforcing anti-corruption measures, so they've gone from the only dominant force in Romanian politics to one of the dominant forces.