Depends how you do it. If you get professionals to do it, yes, it gets very expensive very quickly. I know some people that renovated their own place. Took upwards of a year on what would be a 1 month job if they had hired professionals, but it got done slowly but surely at a fraction of the cost.
This is a time of crisis, and both the Squad specifically and the American progressive movement in general are letting a good crisis good to waste
What would you recommend they do? And how would they go about doing that within the strictures of a two-party system where one is fascist and the other is captured?
A nominal fee from a heavily discounted sale is still more than spending money on a demolition.
Messaging is important. While the Republicans are saying "There's some temporary pain, but it'll all sort itself out in the end. We just need to get through this transition, and the tarrifs and deportations will MAGA", there needs to be a counter-argument.
They're (thankfully) not preaching to the choir. They're going to Republicans and independents and explaining in these rallies that there's an oligarchy that has taken control, made them poorer, and it will get worse.
If they can convince enough people of the real causes, they have a broader base, and potentially even some new progressives.
Why would they demolish houses rather than selling them? Makes no economic sense.
There's no reason to believe that a formerly homeless person wouldn't put in the effort on a house restoration project if given the chance to live in it permanently.
Why is this an open letter rather than an EU petition? They should make a petition here, then it'd have more visibility, it'd be legally required for a response to be laid out if it passes the threshold, and people like me would happily sign it knowing exactly who has my personal info.
Did anyone seriously expect it to be a real wall with Rober sitting in the driver's seat?
There's plenty of opposition parties in Russia, for example. They're just all controlled. They use intentional gaffs to throw the election to the "correct" winner. If they start getting too uppity and stop following orders, they get banned from running on some technicality.
Navalny is what happens when even that doesn't work, but he was very much the exception.
Excuse me sir, may I interest you in Gripen? Cold weather tested, fascist free, and oh so stylish. Book your test flight today!
I think for name recognition and not scaring off Americans who run in fear from the s word, maybe it should be called the Progressive Party?