
joined 2 years ago
[–] ArtisanalRuntime 2 points 2 years ago

Either way, one or the otter.

[–] ArtisanalRuntime 12 points 2 years ago (4 children)
[–] ArtisanalRuntime 2 points 2 years ago

The top-left of the 4-up is pretty good, but the top-right looks like the cover of the VHS tape for an all-aquatic-mammal remake of a kung fu movie :) The one with many seals would be spot-on, but why did the AI make it look like they're crying? Nice one for trying some stuff out. Guess we'll see if anything sticks!

[–] ArtisanalRuntime 2 points 2 years ago

We hope you enjoyed today's broadcast of Intergalactic Cable's Tables... brought to you by Lemongrab :)

[–] ArtisanalRuntime 2 points 2 years ago

Examples of ideas we most likely won't do:

Here's decentraland's agora: And of course, there's a blockchain for that!

But more seriously:

Voting is a tough problem to solve. How do you avoid spam/bots unless the votes are tied to users in some way? Also, how to handle exactly-one-vote-per-user-per-poll? How do you handle the equivalent of ostracising bad actors from the process (maybe not as extreme as the OG-way of banishment for 10 years, though:

Maybe some system that involves (some service or the mods?) privately pushing out (via DM?) a one-time-use code (UUID?) for casting a vote in a poll once it's got enough weight to be put to a vote? OTP SurveyMonkey? Is there some way to prevent back-tracing of the vote-codes/tokens to individuals? If someone becomes a problem, then I guess they just stop getting vote-codes pushed to them. Slippery slope, etc. etc., though.

[–] ArtisanalRuntime 2 points 2 years ago

Too real, man - the streamlined version from @annegreen fully captures the essence of the thing, while also suggesting to the observer 'MS Paint FTW'

[–] ArtisanalRuntime 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Maybe something that captures the energy with which this seal is 'debating' something with this dog? seal-yells-at-dog

But do it up vector graphic style, but as a scene similar to (but less nightmare-inducing than) Dall-E's effort here? two-seals-in-an-agora

[–] ArtisanalRuntime 2 points 2 years ago

Those pottery seals are just so. happy. to be here today! Now I want a real one...

Rule (

"Nobody goes there, it's too crowded!"

It's a good problem to have, so hopefully a good sign of things to come for Lemmy.

Origins/background for this Yogi Berra quote, which really is an Oldie Goldie Meme:

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