English is a second language to them clearly. Cut them some slack.
God if only USSR-China relations remained this good...
Of course. These tariffs are just to protect the US capitalists' profits. At the expense of the working class as always.
More like determined to try delaying the inevitable lol
Common China W
Now fund the PFLP like the USSR used to
The nazi party is extremist??
Boycotting and direct action works. Protestors in Tamworth have managed to force an entire israeli arms factory to shut down through direct action.
In general, all successful working class movements have happened by organizing.
The world is healing
They disagree with all of that so it checks out
The scientific name is "capitalism"
Liberals also don't seem to realize Hamas's strategies of taking hostages, using tunnels and guerilla warfare etc are identical to the Viet Cong's, and so are their goals of driving out the occupation to reunite their country.
Also, "israel" has had — and continues to have — thousands of Palestinians hostage in its prisons for the entire 75 years that this colony has existed.
The native people have every right to use whatever means necessary to resist an occupation. Decolonization is violent; if you don't like it, don't colonize in the first place.
Always the same map