You should bookmark (aka, it has a comprehensive list of manga/anime streaming sites, you can use search criteria like langauges, soft-subs, noads, no anti-adblock, etc.
I currently use hianime .to the most
You should bookmark (aka, it has a comprehensive list of manga/anime streaming sites, you can use search criteria like langauges, soft-subs, noads, no anti-adblock, etc.
I currently use hianime .to the most
You don't need a smart tv, keep your dumb one and consider buying a Roku, save yourself a few cents
Genuine question: How exactly are they more culturally relevant than Japan besides K-pop and maybe Korean novels? When it comes to matters besides entertainment, I guess I'm a little clueless.
Billionaires are assholes, even in fiction.
Wow! I can't wait to have my cock full of wool fibers!
12 hours can be evenly split into halves, thirds, fourths and sixths, but naah, apparently is better to only have ten to split it into halves and fifths (who uses fifths anyway) is better right?
Wait, now you can't?
My mistake, in that case it's not the closure what I mean. But then how are those kinds of sets called?