
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

A mathematically true statement within an error margin of 0.2% (if symetrical, 0.1% if not).

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

Having lived in a couple of countries in Europe, including a decade in Britain, I would say the UK is one of the most Fascist countries in Europe (for example having a citizen surveillance system even more extreme than the US and Press censorship in the form of D-Noticies), though elites there are extremelly good at being subtle and posh about it so the will keep up appearences: you won't see goose stepping on the streets but for example in peaceful demonstrations the police will charge the crowd and News will report that - by showing the footage in the inverse order - as people first charging the police who then responded to it and you won't see an overt Secret Police but once in a while out pops a leak of a special group within the normal police infiltrated Ecologist groups with undercover police officers (which came out because some female Ecologists ended up pregnant) or how their surveillance organisation kept Greenparty leaders under surveillance.

Back during the Nazi times the British elites were even pro-Nazi (there's a picture of Queen Elizabeth as a child being taught by her uncle - then King - to do a Nazi salute) and it was only the Nazi invasion of Belgium that changed their minds, so geopolitics rather than a dislike of the Nazi ideology of ethnic superiority (notice how over the years British elites kept supporting white colonialism and their violence, from Appartheid South Africa to Genocide Israel). More in general, the elites over there (which are overwhelmingly dynastic in nature, and I don't mean just the Royal Family) are strong believers in their own inherent superiority over others as justification for their wealth, so the whole ubermenschen and untermenschen thinking applied along class lines rather than just races (but races too: Brits tend to believe themselves superior to just about all foreigners but Americans and for example some of the most celebrated heroes of Britain - such as Churchill - actually ordered the execution of Genocides in the British Empire possessions).

All this to say that to me, having lived over there for a decade, the British's minimal response to Fascism compared to the rest of Europe isn't surprising - they live in a Society than in many ways runs along similar molds, harbours similar ideations about the inherent worth of people and is (including the Press) controled by elites who mostly are the same families that supported Nazism before Hitler invaded Belgium.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

This society deifies the crazy cat lady syndrome as long as it's with money rather than cats and, worse, the actual crazy cat ladies are driven by good intentions whilst those obcessed with hoarding money are driven by almost the opposite kind of feeling.

These people are literally sick people and the shitty system we have actually celebrates them and has laws designed to support the symptoms of their disease.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

... and the amount of "set for life" money just keeps growing because we have to pay ever increasing amounts to rich people on things like housing.

... and the safety of one's savings keeps going down, so you can be "set for life" only for your savings to be wiped out because they exceed the bank deposite protection threshold or you had to invest it in some supposedly safe thing to generate enough interest to live of and it ends up pretty much stolen from you with no recourse (as many will find out when they finally try to draw on their private pensions).

The system is rigged so that even being an entry-level millionaire is not enough.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'm surprised the DNC boot-lickers haven't yet rushed this tread parroting the propaganda that it's all the fault of the non-voters that it's the horrible Fascist-lover Genocide-supporter Trump doing bad things to Palestinians whilst conveniently ignoring that their very own Fascist-lover Genocide-supporting Biden was the one "unwaveringly" supporting Israel in things like this (even gleefully spreading the Israeli lies on this, a man who as POTUS definitely had access to intel to know that Israel had activated the Hannibal Protocol) and even worse, supporting the year-long Genocide the Zionists were doing in Gaza complete with tens of thousands of murdered children, all of which the other of the DNC's chosen candidates, Kamala Harris also supported.

One of the most disgusting things in all this is the extreme hypocrisy of one bunch of supporters of child mass-murder blaming those who wouldn't vote for supporters of child mass-murder, for the result of an election were a different bunch of child mass-murder supporters won, as if supporting child mass-murder was anything else than their choice a choice which they could've changed at any time and yet, repeatedly, chose to double down on.

It makes me sick that people who actively SUPPORT the enablers of child mass-murder portray themselves as having the moral high ground versus people whose Morals and Ethics stopped them from supporting any enablers of child mass-murder. You do not have and will never have the moral high-ground for the rest of your life when you supported the people who were behind 17 pages worth of murdered babies: blood of those babies is forever in your hands.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Zionists are even more Fascist than the present day Russian regime: the Russians are traditional Fascists, all "love of the Nation" and shit like that plus oppressing and invading neighboring nations to take their stuff rather than to annihilate them, whilst Zionists are ethno-Fascists, like the Nazis, all about being a superior people ("the chosen people") who have to annihilate a sub-human people ("human animals"), their discourse (even just normal newspapers in Israel) rife with Racism whilst Russian discourse is rife with nationalism.

You will notice that the Russians actually want to turn Ukrainians into Russians (which is what they tried really hard to do in the occupied areas) whilst the Zionists are exactly the opposite towards Palestinians or in fact, anybody not of their "chosen people" with the actual Constitution of Israel stating that all Jews and only Jews are Israeli Nationals (which is why, uniquely, Israel separates Citizenship from Nationality, so one can be a Christian Israeli Citizen or an Arab Israeli Citizen but only a Jew can be an Israeli National).

Russia is bad, really bad, and yet Zionist Israel is next level in the Fascist scales compared to Russia.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

When the Snowden Revelations came out, the US rolled back some of the surveillance, whilst in the UK which had even more invasive surveillance than the US, they got the editor of the newspaper which brought out the Revelations fired and passed a law to retroactively make all those practices legal.

This is now at all weird coming from the UK, quite the contrary - it's totally expected since they're worse than the US.

Maybe you're confusing the much higher quality of image management of the UK (in the country that created the word "posh", projecting the right appearance is traditionally a speciality of the upper classes over there) than in the US with the reality of Britain when it comes to civil society surveillance and democratic practices in general - Britain is pretty close the Stasi East-Germany when it comes to the established powers keeping an eye on the riff-raff.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Nah, that stuff is the Dictatorship Of The Proletariat, which is a supposed way to Communism, rather than Communism itself, and as the "dictatorship" in the name indicates, it's an authoritarian regime.

The valid criticism of Communism is not that it's authoritarian is that in over a century all countries who tried to get there took the authoritarian path and not a single one ever left that stage and reached Communism - in other words, Communism seems to be a unachieveable ideal.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Worry not PugJesus, because on the 3rd day you will rise from the dead and join your father in Dog Heaven.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

"Watch and dispair, oh mighty stars, how we have enslaved your children to release us from your tyranny!"

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

"David said he was told that he would be fined" + David got fined = David kept doing it even after getting warned.

The BBC, doing their public service of letting us all know that David is a twat!

(More serioulsy, most British media - definitelly the BBC - pretty frequently post "other countries are bad" and "shocking treatment of Briton abroad" kind of articles: Brexit was very much anchored on English Exceptionalism and the local media has long feed such delusions of exceptionalism with this kind of article and a more general spin on international news that agrandizes British importance and portrays others countries as lesser)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I run my pirated games in Linux sandboxed using firejail (Wine itself doesn't sandbox anything as it's only an adaptor layer) configured to block a lot of things including network access.

Then again I also run my non-pirated games in Linux in the same way.

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