du musst wohl ein deutscher sein die sich immer noch schämen auf der welt zu sein. zum glueck bin ich nicht ihr.
they dont get any quotas because of skin colour or eye shape so yes. if you are good enough to pass college then you should can pass all the classes until the end of college.
if not you dont belong there.
lol i have many real ukrainian refugees here in my land and they are never in the news because of murder or stealing. we have a black pastor since a few years and everybody including me likes him and thats in a little tiny village!
i just hate murderers abd stealers. they come in any colour.
i think so. east asians are on average better in school than whites and blacks.
more asians than whites are admitted, i read something like that somewhere. so should whites then be shoved into a university or wherever (i dont remember)? that would be discrimination in favour of whites then.
ja es ist eine andere sprache laut der UNESCO und der ISO.
Bavarian is classified as Vulnerable by the UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger the International Organization for Standardization has assigned a unique ISO 639-3 language code (bar), and the UNESCO lists Bavarian in the Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger since 2009
wenn ein oesterreicher deutsch redet aber seine muttersprache nicht mehr kann, dann ist das ein bissile ein verrat.
du und ich koennen englisch aber auch unsere eigenen sprachen die wir von unseren ahnen mitbekommen haben. das ist dann kein verrat, denn in deutschland spricht man deutsch.(ueber die niederdeutschen, schwaben und bayern kann ich nigs sagen, da weiss ich nicht ob die ihre sprachen als dialekte oder spravhe ansehen.)
proud boys is a weird thing, afaik they are extreme-non-DEI so i dont like them.
a bit DEI or anti-DEI is alright.
EDIT: explain the downvotes. am i to moderate for both farleft and farright??
oesterreichisch ist die sprache der oesterreicher und da sind die dialekte wie tirolerisch oder wienerisch drin.
im euro and i dont discriminate against any people. i dont care what colour you have as long as you arent criminal or bad to me and others. bad people are everywhere. there are many white or asian people that dont want or are to untalented for college. i would only let people pass classes in college if they pass with a pass grade. shoving anyone trough because of colour is not good.
ups, yes im sorry. i replied to others and clicked wrong. :)
i dont think people should get anything because of what their anchestors needed to expirience. the people that want something werent there and didnt expirience anything. generational trauma is not real. (afaik!!!!)
because how far back in time should we go back? to ww2 or further back? many people enslaved eachother also in europa.
in ww2 my peoples land and its people was conwuered by another and is still under occupation but i dont expect to get anything in form of reperation. now my land is the wealthiest state in the whole nation. lmao