my motherboard has has unlimited power limits for the pl2 but the pl1 is at 253. so for 96 seconds it will be at 100c but after that boost period is done it will go to 253w and stay at 80c. this is a good compromise if you want short/burty performance but long rendering it will stay at 253w after the boost period is over
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CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
only 25c idle temp,. :o nice ; in my area 37-41c idle; eventhough i use 1core with 1ghz speed xd,.
what system/SSD/Harddisk/GPU temp in idle?
Define damage. Just using your cpu for anything basically damages it. Electromigrarion happens even at 50c while your cpu is idle. Obviously higher temps and higher amperage accelerates it.
The question is why would you want to run it 24/7 at 100c? Set an 80c power limit and you are good to go.
I could, so i want to know: if the tj max is 100, what is the life of the cpu at 100 constantly?
Nobody can tell you that, and it entirely depends on the amperage going through your cpu, temperatures are not that important. If you are running prime 95 pulling 400 watts at 100c I don't think it will last more than a year.
270 watt at 1.3v are about 200 A. I don’t know how much it lasts