K: Support Overclock
F: No Integrate Intel GPU
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K: Support Overclock
F: No Integrate Intel GPU
The f is the difference
F means no iGPU
Get the K if you can. Better have the iGPU has backup and for Quicksync which is helpful for recording, streaming, render acceleration in production apps. In gaming, there's no performance difference
I would purchase the K edition and not the Kf for troubleshooting purpose and also if you mainbord can do it you have switchable graphics like a notebook does, in Windows it's run on iGPU and at gaming the dGPU.
KF is usefull if you want to heavy overlock.
The difference in price is like $40 most of the time and seems stupid. Get the K series and dont look back.
Any F model intel cpu doesnt have an onboard gpu, so if you plug your monitor hdmi or dp directly into the motherboard you wont get a picture. Based on this the f models were supposed to be cheaper, but because of the "lack of igpu = lower temps and better core clocks because of lower temps" myth they are literally the same price if not more expensive. Whatever idea intel had about them being cheaper didnt work
unless you really counting the pennies, Intel doesn't really offer enough of a "discount" to make it worth it.
it only exists so they can sell the chips where its otherwise an ok whatever, but the gpu parts are busted. Fair enough, but what is the point if you make the upsell practically automatic for 99.9% of people?