no, might as well get 14700K.
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CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
You're better off getting a 13700k vs a 12900k. Same amount of threads but better performance and IMC. Also is cheaper too I belive.
I’ll say wait it out until 15th gen.
What is your current setup not doing?
No! Go either 13th or 14th gen!!
Nothing on the market is significantly better than what you have right now.
There’s nothing worth upgrading to from a 12700K right now if you’re a gamer, especially if you have a 3080. You’d be spending hundreds of dollars to boost your performance by maybe 5% when you could’ve just overclocked instead.
"upgrade" lul
No, upgrade your gpu if you want meaningful improvements to your games. I sold my 3080 and bought a 4080 for $888 including sold 3080 profits. Massive improvement to performance and I have an outdated cpu (9700k) too. No complaints running at 3440x1440 resolution.
No, upgrade to 14700k!