Of course it is. Why to even ask ? Maybe just put 30-40$ more and you get the 13gen
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Yes 100% worth it if you need to solve cpu performance issues
The 12700k will be about twice in single core and for times as fast in multi core. Pretty good upgrade.
Oh thank you for the hard numbers!
That's a big jump.
Absolutely. But I recommend a 13600K or if you don’t mind spending $400 a 14700k
Went from 6700k to 12100f and that was already a really good upgrade
How about 14400 or 14600. There are not many reason to go 12th gen now. Otherwise, if you can wait a little bit longer, going for 15th gen desktop is way better than 14th gen desktop it seems.
Go 12400
Totally worth it since intel 6th generation is 8 years old, also the upgrade will improve the overall performance a lot while letting the gpu spread its wings more :)
Sorry if the answer is dumb, but you have not tried a lot of google if you can not find any of the hardware comparison sites ("CPU-benchmark, versus, user-benchmark, cpu-monkey").
I knew there'd be a difference, I was told it wouldn't be anywhere near enough to make it worth it, obviously I was wrong.
I went from a 6700k to a 13700k for productivity reasons less than a month ago. The difference was huge and very noticable. Can recommend if you also do it for productivity reasons. For gaming, I cannot say but would expect the upgrade is not worth it persé
You probably triple or quadruple the performance XD