I’ve been using Enterprise for years - perfect for when you don't want to have a car! Depends on the lifestyle you want - works lovely for me :)
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I suppose it might depend on mileage - they reckon it's as cheap to get an Uber as to run your own car (source: Uber, probably).
I hadn’t thought of Uber but if car club is like £10 per hour then I think it would work out cheaper as I’d need the car for about 3 hours once a week… I’m going about 24 miles and I think an Uber would be £20is each way…. If it were closer it wouldn’t be a bad shout though.
Yes, cost probably balances out at those medium distances.
Have you checked local car pools and the like?
Sorry what do you mean by car pool? Like people going to the same place? Unfortunately I’m going at an odd time (7-9pm on a night once a week) so it’s not quite a normal journey.
Ah yeah, that probably won't work.
What I mean is there are ride sharing apps and sites, plus more local groups on Facebook or Nextdoor (might have changed its name) where you could see if anyone was making the trip and up for splitting petrol costs.
Ah okay that makes sense, will see about next door but I don’t use either of them currently.
If you aren't on there it might not be worth your time and effort for any minor savings. Good luck though.
Thanks for all the suggestions mate, really appreciate it :)
No worries - it's a tricky one as it falls between a number of stools and there isn't an obvious, easy solution.
Hoping the new car comes sooner than expected and I won’t need to do any of this but I’m thinking enterprise car club is probably my best option as things stand.
I've never used that service but have hired vans from them on a number of occasions over the years and found them to be very efficient. Even if it's not the very cheapest option, it's worth it for the reliability. Last few times it was to shift some furniture with my brother - he's easily annoyed but couldn't praise them enough, which is quite remarkable.
That cannot be true. The only way that’s true is if the drivers are making literally zero money and living in abject pov—
Oh wait, that actually doesn’t sound implausible.
I take it you’ve already considered and ruled out taking a taxi for this once per week journey?
Yeah, it would be about twice as much as car club would be which is annoying!
Fair enough. I don’t have any real advice for you unfortunately.
It’s okay, thanks for responding anyway :)